Friday 18 November 2022

Software: Lightroom Tutorial Basics/ Photo Editing Masterclass.

 In that post, I will learn how to edit photos in Lightroom. I have never before used Lightroom. I choose one of the tutorials from YouTube to do that. 

First I open my Lightroom and add a photo of what I want to learn. I choose one from my last session.  

I watch the tutorial and at the same time, I try to learn. All of the panels which I went to be working with them on right. I start from the top and work down to the bottom.

The first one is the Basic tab because it was literally created for the correction phase. What I find out on this tab we do not color the photo. This tab is for correction. I was checking all the eyes on that tab just to check how it looks. In the basic tab, we have white balance, tone, and presence. But we not stylizing we just correcting. Use that only for flat footage. I check all the options and how it looked to know what I can do in that tab and go to the next.

I next tab Tone Curve which is just contrast. On the right-hand side, is our highlights you can bring them up, and the image gets brighter or down it gets darker.

Then I move on to the next part of color which is HSL also known as Hue, Saturation, and Luminance.
What I found in that part is that the Hue is the actual hue of the color, the Saturation is the amount of the color for that particular color and the Luminance is the brightness of that color. This tab is for selectively editing colors. 

The next one is Split Toning gets its name from able to tone which is color, the shadows, and the highlights separate. Play with split toning is not a must be used in every photo.

Now am almost done with the coloring process. This is one more panel I use to know about color. It`s the panel all the way at the bottom that is only used on Lightroom Classic it`s Camera Calibration is meant to actually manipulate the mathematical camera color values inside the camera. Any little change in the slider changes everything. That is the last part of the coloring process.

The final step is to go to the panels we have a panel called Detail. Sometimes Lightroom sharpens images, but if we want to print the photo better doesn't change anything. Only if we want to add photos for example on Instagram you can use that panel. Next, I then used the last panel which is Effects which gives me the white circle around my image. Also, you can have a dark circle. That is to bring attention to the subject.

After that tutorial, I know how to use Lightroom. I will try to make the same change later on couple more pictures to get more practice. That program also will can help me in my major project.
I will want to use Lightroom to improve the quality of my photos, for example. brighten the image, and add some more vivid colors. The same goes for image sharpness. My photos are of children and many photos are good but something is missing or there is too much Lightroom will help me with this. After this course, I gained new information that is very useful and I will use it. That was a very productive time, and look forward to learning more. 


  1. Good that you posted this. State how you could potentially use this for your major project?

  2. Thank you. I add more :)


Free Project - Reflection

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