Thursday 3 November 2022

Creating the website: Homepage/About me/Contact Page.

I start creating my website today on Wix. You can see it here - click me. First I chose the name of how to call my website.

Then  I design my homepage. I go to the tab Media and added one of the Free Wix videos and some sentences about children from the Internet.

I then edited the text of the title of the website ( my name) I changed the font to Playfair Display, my name was 32ppi and I changed also the "Photography" font to Brandon Grotesque 14ppi. I change the color to pink. 

I then changed the copyright to my name and the correct year and I checked that this appeared in the footer of every page.

I then make a page About me. Added some photos and write a short story about myself. In the background, I add the short movie from the tab Media  Free Wix video. Word About me I use the font Playfair Display 56pp. For text in that part, I use the font Brandon Grotesque 20pp. I add to another part which is Pasion and Vision for the words I use also the font Playfair Display but 38pp, for a description them is used Brandon Grotesques 16pp. Next, I add my two favorite pictures with me.

I then edited my contact page by managing the form setting so that it set notifications to my email and I adjusted the design by adding a short movie in the background from the tab Media Free Wix video. I change all my social media accounts on me.  

1 comment:

  1. Good start, you need to finish this post and explain all the technical process such as what buttons you clicked on to make what changes. Why did you use this particular template?


Free Project - Reflection

 Taking photos with a mobile phone has become an integral part of our daily lives. With the convenience of always having a camera at our fin...