Sunday 20 November 2022

Website: About me.

Me, myself, and I… Hi, as you probably already know if you come to my blog – my name is Magdalena Surowiecka. Originally, I am from Poland, but for the last 16 years, I live in Great Britain, specifically in Leicester. For a long time, thanks to a birthday gift from my grandparents, I have had a passion - photography. I've always loved capturing moments, capturing moments, and having a keepsake. The camera makes all these things possible. It helps to understand someone's vision of the world. Finally, at the beginning of the year, I realized that I would like to develop this passion. Learn other skills useful in this field, just develop your knowledge. That's how I signed up for college and I'm almost finishing my first semester. Currently, I'm working on my big project related to photographing children and creating my first official website. It's not an easy challenge, especially when you're working. However, I have always been very determined to chase my dreams and make them come true. All this is also possible for me thanks to the support of my husband and relatives. My current priority is to complete the project and focus on further studies. I consider zero years to be a viable alternative for people who are ambitious, open to the world, and have always dreamed of studying abroad. Nevertheless, they are afraid of their late English. I think that after a year when I pass all the exams and get into university, my life will change dramatically. It will be my new path to a better future and maybe better job opportunities. This extra year will certainly allow me to gain courage and more self-confidence. Then, in the next few years - I would like to go to Switzerland or  Norway with my husband and create the house we have always dreamed of. In my imagination, I see myself in a beautiful little cafĂ©. Next to a small stream, I drink coffee and admire the views.

Also, you can read `About me` on my website - here.

1 comment:

  1. The error has been corrected. Thanks for pointing it out. The text has been corrected and I have added something else.


Free Project - Reflection

 Taking photos with a mobile phone has become an integral part of our daily lives. With the convenience of always having a camera at our fin...