Monday 21 November 2022

Major Project Research : What makes children most happy.

“A child can teach adults three things: to be happy for no reason, to keep busy, and to demand with all his might what he wants.” – Paulo Coelho

In this post, I will focus on what makes children most happy. I will find out the things to do with kids and use that in my session with the children. Weather phenomena (rain, snow, rainbow, picturesque sunset) we see something interesting outside the window, we quickly put on the right clothes and run outside. Such observations very often make children smile, and additionally, they teach. And just walking in puddles in the rain will teach them more than reading. Do kids get bored when it rains? Not if we equip them with the right clothes and shoes! The youngest love, apart from wading, jumping, and other fun in puddles, and they recommend staying in the open air from the weather. Well-chosen, comfortable rubber boots are therefore a must for every child and toddler. Thanks to them, you can easily walk even on the wettest, rainy days.

In one of my sessions, I will try to catch a day when will be raining. I want to make the picture similar to that on the top. I have three sisters and I think they will be perfect for this session. They like such fun. They will all wear rubber boots, colorful coats, and umbrellas. We will find a large puddle. What will be will be. I can`t wait :)

Siblings to an extraordinary harness that evolves over the years. What is a sibling? What are the best words to describe the sisterly and brotherly interpretation? 
Sibling loves unconditional love. They say everyone has a brother who has a treasure. To the belief that there can be no higher movement as sibling service is a great opportunity to form lasting bonds with a person who grows and develops year after year.

I love that picture. In my family, I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters, so I know that is good to have them. That photo introduces siblings. I will also make the picture like that. I will use the professional studio to do that. I just think to use a suitcase instead of a bed. I will use a different color on the background. I will think about dressing the children and maybe add some toys to make them feel more comfortable. I want to show the sibling love in the picture so maybe some cuddling. 

Soap bubbles have something fascinating about them. Specialists develop that playing with soap bubbles is an excellent speech therapy exercise. Evenly blowing air out of the lungs and creating a characteristic "hole" is effective in the development of the speech apparatus, and even more - can already solve many ordinary speech therapy problems.

This photo reminded me a bit of my childhood. I loved playing with soap bubbles. That is why I decided that it would be great fun for children in which I would definitely be able to take a few photos and capture their happiness. It will definitely depend on the weather, it will be better to play outside, but if the weather is not good, we will do it in the studio, maybe using a smaller set of soap bubbles.
Just a bowl with liquid for large soap bubbles, a generator, and … ready. The effect will be nice for sure. 

Children themselves know what is best for them and that is what they eat. Often, from the whole dinner arsenal, they choose only one ingredient, because that's what they want. They eat slowly, and they don't care if their tardiness makes them late for their appointment.
We often devour everything that falls into our hands without any thought. Sometimes we're not even hungry, but we eat anyway. We tend to put too much into our stomachs. Too focused on what we will have to do after dinner, we do not notice the moment when our body tells us that we are already full.

A session with children feeding each other also has something that can show a happy childhood. Children do not pay attention to anything that they get dirty or food falls on the ground and they eat it. I think I can use food but now kids prefer fast food and sweets. But some children like vegetables and fruits. We`ll try maybe the parents agree to the nakedness of the rules. 

Each of these options is considered on my part, I just have to think about which child with which. Can`t wait for the results myself. 


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Free Project - Reflection

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