Saturday 21 January 2023

Urban Photographer Pedro Correa - research

Pedro Correa's photographs are influenced by Impressionism. His work aims at embedding the emotions of painting into the ‘decisive moment’ of photography. His photographs revolve around the intimate beauty that he sees in cities. Pedro Correa captures elements that often go unnoticed by giving them a different perspective, but without modifying reality. His personal lens reveals the poetry within reality.

Pedro Correa, Benoit Do Quango

"Pedro Correa’s work rejuvenates the idea of the decisive moment. Elucidating the use of photography to capture a perfect point in time and space, Pedro situates this point in such a way as to reveal its significance. This seems to come naturally in his photographs, which are never digitally altered and stylistically borrow from impressionist painting and social realist photography." - PHIN JENNINGS

Espresso Bar, Pedro Correa

Urban Impressions

This series is Pedro Correa's most transversal body of work. It began in 2012 and still continues today. It aims at capturing the energy he sees and feels in urban spaces, an energy that arises from the subtle humanity that any place created by man, or where man (humans) lives, exudes. Depicting this humanity with photography allows him to use the decisive moment to capture what is visible to the eye for only a fleeting moment, bringing him closer to the art of the impressionists and their willingness to infuse their work with the emotions of the moment. Since the aim is primarily to capture reality instead of creating an alternate one, it was crucial to be able to capture the moments and scenes that had in their essence this painterly quality, without needing to manipulate reality a posteriori, digitally or otherwise. Everything in this series needed to be spontaneous, serendipitous, and unaware.

The magic of picture urban impressions, Pedro Correa 

Throughout each of his works, you can see how he masterfully manipulates light, composition, and fleeting themes, capturing the decisive moment. The pictures he takes look like impressionist paintings. Colors and movement are more important to him than recognizable objects in these blurry images. There is a lot to like about Pedro's work. The photos show a unique perspective. Using the camera lens, Pedro creates a completely different dimension of space. The street art he creates adds an amazing, magical side to the city. I will try to watch his videos on YouTube, maybe there I will learn even more interesting things about his technique. Perhaps I will find more of his secrets in them, which I can use for my photos and share with others.


Pedro Correa Fine art photography (no date) Pedro Correa Fine Art Photography. Available at: (Accessed: January 22, 2023).

Pedro Correa, artist: Contemporary Art For Sale (no date) Rise Art. Available at: (Accessed: January 22, 2023).


  1. I think discussing his technique in more details would really be useful here

    1. Magdalena Surowiecka23 January 2023 at 14:22

      Thank you for your valuable comment.


Free Project - Reflection

 Taking photos with a mobile phone has become an integral part of our daily lives. With the convenience of always having a camera at our fin...