Tuesday 24 January 2023

Quality Control & Curation

 In the last class, we discussed "Quality Control and Curation." The lesson was conducted to help us better prepare our photos before adding them to our portfolio, as well as the definition of quality control and curation and how it is referred to in photography. We couldn't check the quality without selecting the photo. But first, what exactly is quality control in photography? Quality Control - This allows the photographer to adjust sharpness, contrast, brightness range, color balance, saturation, and other parameters without compromising picture quality. 

Now we can choose a minimum of 10 photos that we think will work well together. I spent some time on it. At first, I thought I'd be able to select all the black and white photos, but unfortunately the ones I liked so much don't do it justice in black and white. I chose a mix of colors and black. She created a new folder and moved my 13 photos so nothing would get mixed up later because some of my photos share a small detail. I opened photoshop because in it I will check the quality of the photos, as well as straighten and lighten or darken if necessary. I checked each of the photos, some I even had to lighten them a bit to make them look better. I went to the Image tab, then Adjustments, and selected Curves (see below). Now you can move the line up to make the image lighter and down to make it darker. We do it at our discretion. Below are two of the same photos, one original, the other after a small change.

Original photo.


The next stage I focus on was curating. To "curate" means choosing the photos you care about. Content curation is more than sharing. It is about finding the best content your audience wants so that they keep coming back to you. 

Hollywood history consultant Bobette Buster, in her book "How to Tell Your Story So the World Will Listen", uses the term "the story behind the story," which refers to the hidden, deeper narrative that holds everything together. It's a great metaphor for how to approach treatment. Good curating, like good storytelling, give your work a coherent vision or narrative that can entertain, inspire, educate, etc. This doesn't mean that curating has to be centered around a clear theme. Ideas can be loose, abstract, or full of meaning, and the beauty of visual art is that it allows us to convey these themes on an instinctive level.

Reading about curing, I came across a movie that I recommend to everyone. I'm attaching the video below.

In this one-hour talk, attendees will hear from leading curators, who will discuss their experience and methodology of working on diverse exhibition outcomes as part of PHOTO 2022, International Festival of Photography. Aimed at Secondary School and Tertiary students, the speakers will answer questions on how to start working as a curator.

Speakers include independent curator Shivanjali Lal, curator of 'A Bell Rings Across the Valley', a group exhibition of five artists from across South Asia and its Diaspora, at Footscray Community Arts. Pippa Milne, Senior Curator at Monash Gallery of Art, on curating a solo presentation 'Speak the wind' by Hoda Afshar. Cathy Pryor, Curator at The Jewish Museum, on curating 'HELMUT NEWTON: In Focus', an exhibition of an iconic international photographer, now deceased, and working with a major international collection. Brendan McCleary, PHOTO 2022 Associate Curator speaking about the PHOTO 2022 outdoor exhibition program.

I also read an interesting article which you can see here.

I think that the video and the website are very helpful, now I know if I need to focus on choosing the photos that I want to display on my website. I also think that it will help me also when in the future I want to open my small coffee shop with a gallery to find my potential recipients and clients.


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