Sunday 22 January 2023

Urban Photography - Class Task and self study.

The last classes were again very interesting for me. Once again we went to make some photos, this time off-campus to focus on urban photography. Unfortunately, once again we only had an hour, I managed to take a few photos that will be useful in the next classes. I used different camera settings: changed the shutter speed, aperture, and ISO and played with colors. I loved the black and white photos. After a successful class, I returned home and decided to walk around my village to take more photos. I focus more on black and white photos. It was starting to get dark, so I went home, upload all the photos on my computer, and here is the result of my work, below. I choose two photos from each session and describe them. From these contact sheets in the next class, I will choose a minimum of 10 photos to create a portfolio on my website.

Canon EOS 700D 13mm f/4 1/4000sec ISO 200

I was tying my shoe and that's when I took this picture. I like it very much. I wanted to focus on time-white photos, but in this photo, it wouldn't have that effect.

Canon EOS 700D 13mm f/4 1/4000sec ISO 200

Bar on the corner has a great location, unfortunately, it was still closed at that time, and I wanted to take pictures from the inside. This photo is not bad, but I had visions of what this street looked like from the inside. I'll try to go back there.


Canon EOS 700D 18mm f/7.1 1/50sec ISO 400.

Old churches have a certain charm, when I noticed the turret from a distance, I immediately thought that I would go there to take a picture. The setting sun made my photo shine, it's a pity that I only cut off the top of the turret.

Canon EOS 700D 18mm f/5.6 1/13 ISO 400 EXP 1.3

A family business, you can rarely find such a shop these days. He's so lonely out there. I took both black and white and color photos. In my photo, I wanted to show such a photo from the old days, so I added black and white.

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Free Project - Reflection

 Taking photos with a mobile phone has become an integral part of our daily lives. With the convenience of always having a camera at our fin...