Wednesday 19 October 2022

Majar Project Smart Objective.

As you can see in my two last posts I concentrated on ideas for my final project. Now is the time to decide what will it be  😋

So my final project will call "Joys of childhood" and I will use photography to create that.

I will now present my Aims and Objectives.

To create my project of which photography I use, I decide to do a photobook, I will arrange a session with my friends' children: Nicola, Nadia, Oskar, and Aniela in nice environments for example child play, and a park. I`m sure that in this background they will be happy and full of energy. Also, I would like to do a self-portrait of children to show Their emotions - sadness, and happiness. 

I will be looking in some shops the product which I can use for the session: like decorations or some toys. 

I will use Photoshop to make some contact sheets, also if a need more programs I will use Pixlr maybe as well. To build my photobook I will use a flipbook - I have not used this before so I will learn this as I go. 

I will try to use only the camera - Nikon D7500 to take the photos, but if I will find a situation where I will have only one phone with me and I don't have a different choice I will use the phone as well.  

I will get permission from my friends to use photos in my school project.

I will research the following children's photographers.

I will make my project ready before 8 December, 9am.

Also, I will be completed the Planning Sheet each week 😊


Smart photo [Online] Available from:


  1. Good that you have completed this. We will talk further about this during your project sign off.


Free Project - Reflection

 Taking photos with a mobile phone has become an integral part of our daily lives. With the convenience of always having a camera at our fin...