Monday 17 October 2022

Blog Buddies: Advertisement Project Feedback.

Today in my blog I will write Feedback about Charlie's blog. Charlie is a new student in my class and he doesn`t have yet Blog Buddies. My blog buddy is not in the class this week and he don`t add any posts by this week. If you are interested in Charlie's work please visit - Click on me

In the beginning, I want to say that Charlie's advert is really good. Charlie has done a great job of explaining step by step how he creates his advert. His post shows each step that he made to create this. The description he write was also very clear and easy to read even for a person who does not know anything about cameras or photo makers programs. The colors which he chooses for his advert are pulling the attention of the watcher. He also add a lot of resources of pages from which he was using and for me is a big plus as this is very important especially when you are blogging. The custom is very clear and organized along with his blog. Which makes everything easy to find. 

1 comment:

  1. Great start. You have made some valid points. However, what could Charlie do differently/ better next time?


Free Project - Reflection

 Taking photos with a mobile phone has become an integral part of our daily lives. With the convenience of always having a camera at our fin...