Sunday 9 October 2022

Sequential Images; Practice Homework

 Monika & my camera :)

After the last class, we have homework to do - Practicing sequential Images. Because my blog is called "My first dream camera" I decided that my camera will take a part in this session. Of course, without the help of my friend Monika, It would not have happened.

The weather was fine, so we go to the Park, to take photos. For the session, I was using my phone Huawei P30 PRO and didn't use flash. I make about 50 pictures. After the session, I come back home and download them on my computer. I want to see how the picture will look folded together because I thought that I would be more able to express what I wanted to show. I searched for it on the internet. I use the website fotoram. co/collage/pl and I put pictures together in a one-line order. Here is the shoot: 

I decided to add 5 more pictures separately. Here they are:

And one picture with a description of how was done:

                                         October ,8 2022 Leicester by Magdalena Surowiecka 
Huawei 5.56mm f/1.6 1/2500s ISO 50 

In my opinion, the picture is ok, but still I need a lot of practice. The weather was very good for October. My model was a little shy and stressed, that was her first session, so I think the next session will be better if she wants to help me again. But I'm happy to manage to make her laugh a little.😄 I will still practice sequential images till when I will be satisfied. So I invite you to continue watching my blog.😁


Free Project - Reflection

 Taking photos with a mobile phone has become an integral part of our daily lives. With the convenience of always having a camera at our fin...