Saturday 29 October 2022

Project Sing Off: Joys of childhood

My project sing-off - Joys of childhood is almost completed. I include in my work a children's and I want to show their expressions and favorite activities. My work will show also children even if they have gen21 and don't see the bad in people. They always see the good in people, and to say this beautiful 'they have another gen of love' no matter what happened. 

Photo of Kacper, September 2020

Children always are very trustfully of grown-ups and give for others' hearts, love, and kindness. They do not see the bad things and they are very open even when they are shy. I would like to show this, no matter if they have an illness or they are healthy they all are the same, sometimes they just need more patience. 

 Please find my project sing-off: Joys of childhood here.

1 comment:

  1. I fixed it now it should work. Thank you for noticing this.


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