Tuesday 18 October 2022

Week Three: Ideas Generation.

 Here is an example of what would be expected from your initial post on Ideas generation.

Title: Ideas Generation: Joys of childhood.

                                                                    Source: 16 March 2022

Dr. Mohan Kanda says in the article to The Hans India on 17 Mar 2022 that: " Infancy, and childhood, are easily the best periods of one`s life. They are filled with innocence, laughter, curiosity, and the joys of growing up and learning. The time, the energy, and the enthusiasm that we spend in keeping a child amused, entertained, and contented, is an investment well worth making."

So here are some of the ideas from which I will choose to create my project.


I will arrange a session with children in a nice environment for example child play, park. I'm sure that in this background they will be happy and full of energy. Also, I would like to do a self-portrait of children to show their emotions -sadness, and happiness.


Adverts will be about selling toys. 


I will try to do a mini stylish session for children to make them feel like small models. With different hairstyles and clothes. 

Movie Musical 

5-7 min musical where kids will sing songs and dance with the time. The group with 6-7 kids and 1 adult. 


Dr. Mohan Kanda says in the article to The Hans India [Online] Available From:



Free Project - Reflection

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