Thursday 3 November 2022

Website Research.

I chose their website because first both of them are about photographers and my project will relate to photography. Also, the photographers made their website thinking about children.  

 Russ Jackson

I have been researching photographers' websites and the first website I looked at was Russ Jackson. Together with his wife, they form a team with specializes in maternity, newborn, and children`s portraiture. With 20 years of experience in photography, Russ is considered one of the most experienced portrait photographers in the U.K. They aim to create beautiful, soft, and timeless images using natural tones and textures that best complement the baby. They believe that a beautiful portrait of the child should portray so much more than just a smile.

The reason why I chose that website is that my first attention is to the details. On the homepage, the picture slides automatically which definitely attracts the eye. The website has traditional layout, structure, and design elements. Is very easy to find what we are looking for because the navigation on the page is clear to read. Important information like "about" help better know those fantastic people. We also see a lot of galleries where we can see their work. In the order, I mean that the photos are sorted into groups. The colors on the pages do not clash with each other, which is also an important advantage for this website. The font which has been chosen for this website is enjoyable so when you want to read all information you can do it without any problems. For sure I will be visiting this website as from what I know he already changes the layout and gallery. With every change of page, we can see more works of them which is very beautiful to see. 

Aga Tetera

Professional photographer specialising in newborns, children, and family photography based in Leicester, UK. Aga, she is qualified to provide outstanding service to take care of your child in the safest possible way. I am impressed with how Aga uses her skills to help other people. She is a volunteer photographer for the bereavement charity "Remember My Baby" which delivers photography services to families of Angels, babies that grew angel wings way too soon; and a volunteer photographer for "Butterfly Wishes Network" where they donate service free of charge to families with children suffering for life-shortening conditions.  

I think Aga chose a simple layout that provides easy access to information that we need. For example, when we click the option 'about me' the page is straight away scrolling to the bottom of the page. There are two things which I do not like - that to get to the top of the page we need scrolling and when we click on option 'product' there is something in the style of error. Aga specializes in photos of newborns, children, and maternity - everything that is in common with children. I appreciate that she is providing a lot of options on her website as information about sessions, and recommendations from people who were working with her. Probably I will visit her website one more time, and maybe I will catch more inspiration from her work. 

By comparing the two sides Russ's website is black and white where is easy to see everything, the white background is good because the viewer can focus on black and white photos. On the other hand, we have an Aga website where the page attracts attention with it is colors. Both sides have navigation in the middle of the page, the difference only is on Aga when you click on all the buttons on the navigation bar a drop-down menu appears, I think this is not good for the website because it is easy you can click something that you do not want go. Russ on his home page uses serif fonts that look very attractive and are easy o read, but Aga uses sans serif fonts which also look good. On my own website, I still think about fonts, for now, I using serif, however sans serif looks good maybe I will mix both of them. I was thinking about where to put the logo on my website. The Aga logo it is at the bottom of the page it seems to me that it is slightly visible, I think I will go like Russ and put my logo in the navigation in the middle where it will be visible and quick to find. The contact page on Russ has also booking sessions which is from me I would probably create additional navigation, e.g. make an appointment. Both websites on the contact page do include email contact links and social media, however, on Russ, these could have been added as icons on all the pages like Aga did. The copyright is included on this page and has copyright details for Russ and Aga. Lastly, I checked the mobile views of both websites on my mobile phone. I believe this website works better and is laid out better for mobile. I will definitely take some of their ideas and enjoy myself after going through the websites to understand how I would like them to look at my website.


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