Thursday 3 November 2022

Photographers Research: Gjon Mili

 I am looking at the work of Gjon Mili as my initial research for my photographic project. I chose to start with Mili: " Time could truly be made to stand still Texture could be retained despite sudden violent movement"

Picasso: Writing with light.

Mili would open the lens of his camera in a dark room while Picasso used the flashlight like a charcoal or brush. In the dark room, only the flashlight would be recorded on the film at first. Once the light drawing was "done" Mili would trigger the strobes and close the lens, preserving both the light drawing and the artist behind it. 

Gjon Picasso: Drawing with light.

"During his long connection with Life, Mili was best known for his sharply focused stop-motion photographs of people and things that moved too fast to be seen by the unaided eye," wrote Gene Thornton in a New York Times review of a 1980 retrospective of Mili`s work. "The viewer often felt that Mili`s photograph was the definitive picture of a particular action." 

The French photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson, commenting on Mr. Mili`s work, said. "I admire his sense of economy his respect for craftsmanship and his distaste for pretensions."

Lisa Hostetler in her bio of Mili for the International Center for Photography noted, "Through the sheer number of his motion photographs and their frequent publication in Life magazine, Mili revealed the mechanics of human kinetics to postwar society. His dynamic fashion and advertising image demonstrated his ability to adapt his discoveries creatively without overwhelming the image in photographic pyrotechnics."  

The Dec.28, 1942 issue of Life summed up his work this way: "[Gjon Mili] could capture on one negative more grace and beauty than Hollywood cameramen get on many feet of the motion-picture film"

I chose Mili as in my opinion his pictures are amazing, it is not possible to not even look at them. I would like to do something similar as having a dark background and the play of the lights. 

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