Sunday 27 November 2022

Major Project: Last session with Mai i Franka.

For the last final session, children from the Internet who applied were selected. I thought they were siblings, but during the course, it turned out that Franek is Maja's uncle. The children live great together, Franek is very caring, and he defends Maja. This is what I was talking about in my earlier posts about how children can be responsible for another person. And below again some contact sheets from this session. To know more details please look below.


I was a little more anxious going into this session because I didn't know the kids and was a little worried about what their parents would think. They were fully aware that I am an amateur photographer and that I required the session's images for my project. The parents enjoyed the workshop just as much as the children did. I was also surprised that they were not bored; perhaps it was because they were relatives and frequently together. Franek demonstrated his abilities as a mini-model by performing all the tasks required of him. More of these polite kids, please. Of course, as long as it doesn't get in the way, a little insanity won't hurt. The kids were excellent, just as in the prior session, and I appreciate it. I used two Nikon D7500 and D800 cameras, a Sigma 50mm f1.4 Art lens, and a Nikkor AF-S 50mm f/1.8 lens and also for the session. Again, as in the first session, I had two professional flashes, so I set ISO 100-200 and f/5.6-f/7.1. 

 I believe there were no significant issues during any of my sessions. I would want to thank all of my models and their parents, and now I'd like to encourage you to view the project's final results - click here.

Major Project: Session with Blanka, Spohie and Vanessa.

 In my second session, the models were three energetic sisters who were not afraid of anything. Each of them has something in itself, but one thing I knew they love to play outdoors, regardless of the weather. The girls were prepared for everything, they had galoshes, raincoats, and, of course, umbrellas. From the very beginning, they had fun, they just didn't need to be told anything, they set themselves up for pictures, surprised with their ideas. As I described in one of my posts, playing in the water is one of the few things that children like and makes them happy. And that's how it was with the girls, I spent a wonderful time with them, and here are some photos in the contact sheet because again I took a lot of them once again I will have a hard choice to choose a few. To know more details please look below.

I asked my friend Natalie, who is also the girl's mother if she could visit Leicester, where I currently reside, and together, we would look for a park where I could snap pictures. Natalia had extra clothing and was ready for anything. As I mentioned above, the session went well, and the girls enjoyed themselves greatly. I had no concerns about the session; the only thing we had all been anticipating was rain, which we didn't receive, but the cloudy weather was also pleasant. The girls were a little chilly, but their mother treated them to some delectable food as a reward after the session. I used two Nikon D7500 and D800 cameras, a Sigma 50mm f1.4 Art lens, a Nikkor AF-S 50mm f/1.8 lens, and also Nikon 70-300mm f/4.5-6.3 for the session. Camera settings changed from time to time if necessary ISO was between 400 - 600 and f / 2.8-7.1.

Major Project : First session with Aniela and Oscar.

 For the first session, I asked my friends Sandra and Marta if they would like their children to pose for my photos. Since the children of my friends had never seen each other before, I thought it might be a nice session. A girl - Aniela, and a boy - Oscar of a similar age. Thanks to the help of my friend from college, as well as the great photographer Magdalena Ferenc, I had the opportunity to do a session in a professional studio. It was something new for me, the best quality lamps and the help of Magdalena, who was always close by, were amazing. Thank you very much for everything Magdalena. Wanting to show a happy childhood, I used soap bubbles, sweets, fruit, and, fast food for this session. I think it was a good session, there was a bit of shyness in it, but also love and joy. Because there are a lot of photos here only a few contact sheets from the session. To know more details please look below. 

I was quite aback by how easily the kids connected with one another and how much they enjoyed one another from the start of the session. Similar to love at first sight. 😅 Everything was going well until the kids started complaining about being weary and wanting to go home. I needed to come up with something immediately to keep them engaged and prevent them from leaving to go home. I created a game where you throw candies. They started taking pictures again right away since they enjoyed it so much. When it was time to eat, they were even more content, and it was so adorable to watch them feed each other. I was a little scared when we used soap bubbles because the kids were so animated and started sprinkling water all over the place again, but I was also shocked. The kids requested towels and did their own cleanup. It was very pleasant. I used two Nikon D7500 and D800 cameras, a Sigma 50mm f1.4 Art lens, and a Nikkor AF-S 50mm f/1.8 lens for the session. Because there were two flashes in the studio, I used the ISO 100–130, and f/6.3–7.1 camera settings. To keep the kids from getting bored, I believe I will prepare some games for them the following time.

It will probably be hard for me to choose just a few of them for my project.

Major Project: Signing consent by parents.

 Without these forms, nothing would be possible. I needed children for my photo shoots, I don't have any myself, so I asked my friends and with the help of my friend Magdalena, who is better known in Leicester and it was she who posted an announcement on her website that we need children for the session. A lot of people responded, but unfortunately, we couldn't choose all of them. The first thing I did was that the parents signed forms for me in which they agreed to publish their children's photos in my project. I used ready-made forms that I received from my teacher. When everyone agreed, I arranged a meeting with the children, I will tell you about each one in the next posts.

Now I can start the sessions and move forward with my final project. I invite you to watch the next posts.

Camera settings research : Shutter speed, aperture and white balance.

In this post, I would like to briefly describe to you 3 methods that can be used for photo shoots and why it is worth knowing about them.

First What is a shutter speed?

Shutter speed is exactly what it sounds like – the speed at which the shutter of the camera closes. A fast shutter speed creates a shorter exposure — the amount of light the camera takes in —while a slow shutter speed gives the photographer a longer exposure.
The shutter is a curtain in front of the camera sensor that remains closed until you start shooting. Once you click the button to take a photo, the shutter opens and lets in light that passes through the lens, exposing the sensor to it. Then the shutter closes again. The length of time the shutter remains open is determined by its speed.

While shutter speed is measured in fractions of a second, on most cameras it appears as a whole number. When it’s equal to or longer than one second you should see 1” (the quotation marks identifying a second). If it’s a fraction of a second – such as 1/250th – you should see 250. For example:

1” = shutter speed of 1 second.
10” = shutter speed of 10 seconds.
10 = shutter speed of 1/10th of a second.
500 = shutter speed of 1/500th of a second.

As an example of shutter speed, I use Warren Keelan photo.

The photo was made with Cannon EOS 50 Mark IV EF 70-200mm f/2.8 using lens 1/2500s @f/6.3
 ISO 320.

Then What is the aperture in the camera?

An Aperture can be defined as the opening in a lens through which light passes to enter the camera. It is an easy concept to understand if you just think about how your eyes work. As you move between bright and dark environments, the iris in your eyes either expands or shrinks, controlling the size of your pupil.
In photography, the “pupil” of your lens is called aperture. You can shrink or enlarge the size of the aperture to allow more or less light to reach your camera sensor. The image below shows an aperture in a lens:
Aperture can add dimension to your photos by controlling the depth of field. At one extreme, the aperture gives you a blurred background with a beautiful shallow focus effect. This is very popular for portrait photography.
At the other extreme, it will give you sharp photos from the nearby foreground to the distant horizon. Landscape photographers use this effect a lot.
On top of that, the aperture you choose also alters the exposure of your images by making them brighter or darker.

Here you see an example of an Aperture:

Then last I choose white balance.

White balance is used to adjust colors to match the color of the light source so that white objects appear white. Subjects may be lit by several different light sources, including sunlight, incandescent bulbs, and fluorescent lighting. Although to the naked eye all these different light sources may appear colorless, in fact, they emit light of different colors. The image sensor in a digital camera will reproduce these color differences just as they are, with the result that without additional processing the color of the photograph would appear to change according to the light source. The auto white balance automatically processes the image to remove unwanted color casts by, for example, making photographs taken under incandescent bulbs bluer to correct the reddish cast of this type of lighting. Normally, auto white balance will produce the desired results without the photographer having to worry about the type of lighting. If the auto white balance does not produce the desired results, the photographer can choose from several fixed white balance options according to the weather or the light source. The photographer can also choose a setting for direct sunlight or incandescent lighting to introduce a deliberate red or blue cast according to their creative intent.

I will find great use in all three of the strategies I've discussed for my sessions. I'm sure the first one with the shutter speed will come in handy because I am aware that not all kids can sit still. With moving subjects—in my case, children—this technique has shown me that shutter speed may significantly affect the appearance and quality of a photograph.

However, the camera's aperture has a significant impact. I am aware that the aperture affects exposure and is crucial in deciding, together with the ISC sensitivity and shutter speed, the ideal exposure of the image because we discussed this in the photography module at the beginning of my studies. The link between aperture and depth of field is yet another crucial consideration.

White balance was the final method I concentrated on. Through my studies, I was able to comprehend digital white balance and avoid color casts, which improved images under a wider range of lighting circumstances.

Having learned a little about each of these strategies, I believe I will employ each one. On any camera, the approaches are simple to set up.


Project Development: Storyboards

When signing my project, I said I would do my Storyboards. I decided to use the program I was looking for for this. Canva because this program I used is easy to work with, has many options, and of course, it is free.

First, I logged on to the Canva website and logged into my account. I was writing a storyboard in the search engine and was trying to find something that would fit my sessions as well as be free.

I chose a "Brown and white scenario with four panels".

I deleted all the photos that were there and changed the title at the top: PROJECT: JOY OF CHILDHOOD. The project title I used for this font is Alice and the font size is 26px.

Then from the Elements tabs, I selected four photos to add to my Storyboards. Photos used in each:
  • Figurine of a boy and a girl on a bench.
  • Brother and sister.
  • Happy children playing outdoors in the autumn park.
  • Laptop with photo gallery for theft in the room.
  • I set studios in the background.
The photo on the back was very dark, so I changed the transparency setting to 18, which brightened it up. Under each photo, I added my source.

I then hit the share button to share my Storyboards to my desktops.

My last storyboards - click me.

A storyboard was created for each of my sessions. The concepts we wished to convey regarding them.

Session I:

Session II:

Session III:

Monday 21 November 2022

Major Project Research: Nikon lens.

My project will be based on a photo session of children. This is something new for me. I love photography and I take a lot of pictures, but this is something for me. That`s why I decided to delve deeper into the world of Nikon and use other lenses for my session. Since I am a beginner photographer this will be a good lesson form me and for you readers.

With enhanced aperture speed and a compact construction, the Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 50 mm f/1.8 Standard Lens is ideal for everyday photography and poor light shooting.
Low light shooting. Achieve amazing low light shots thanks to the fast f/1.8 aperture that captures stunning detail in dimly lit places. The compact form means you can take the 50 mm fixed focal lens out and about, the ideal traveling companion ready to capture that beautiful sunset or stormy clouds.

Background blur

The NIKKOR optics capture more natural depth of field, whether you're shooting wildlife, people, or still objects, indoors or outdoors, the lens renders eye-catching bokeh blurring at its wide aperture settings, creating natural photography perspective.

Fixed focal photography

The Nikon AF-S 50 mm lens has been built with Silent Wave Motor technology that ensures fast and precise focusing without noise. You can switch seamlessly between manual and autofocus thanks to the Focus Mode switch that is located at your fingertips. What's more, the aspherical lens element delivers an exceptional optical performance with high contrast.

Sharp shooting

With Nikon's Super Integrated Coating (SIC) built into the lens constructions, the Nikon AF-S NIKKOR lens enhances light transmission efficiency to boost color consistency and reduce image flare.
The Aspherical Lens Element virtually eliminates coma and other types of aberrations, even at wider apertures. With pleasing blur characteristics and outstanding rendering capabilities, the Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 50 mm f/1.8 Standard Lens is a must-have for any photography kit.

                                                            Nikkor AF-S 50mm f/1.8

When I want to take a portrait of one of the kids, I'll utilize this lens. When it comes to the full frame, it serves as the so-called standard lens, or one whose angle of view roughly corresponds to the eye's perspective. It is an extremely adaptable lens. She will participate in my sessions because of this.

A 50mm F1.4 large-aperture lens offers an angle of view similar to human vision, a beautiful bokeh effect, and expressive versatility. It’s a basic specification that lets photographers take many different approaches to their craft. For this very reason, it demands a high level of fundamental performance. SIGMA has designed lenses, especially for digital SLRs since they first appeared on the market. In 2008, we first introduced the SIGMA 50mm F1.4 EX DG HSM. Although compared to the lenses of today they had a fairly large body, this lens offered uncompromising performance and embodied our ideal of the standard lens. Until this time, only camera manufacturers had produced a lens in this specification for DSLRs. Our version of this go-to lens created quite a stir at first. Earning the support of photographers with its exceptional performance, it has become one of our representative lenses. The SIGMA F1.4 DG HSM fulfills our design concept and quality requirements at the highest level. While producing a beautiful bokeh effect, it features exceptional peripheral brightness and minimal distortion. Uncompromising in every detail, this large-aperture standard lens offers the ultimate in image quality. Its high resolution makes it perfect for the high-megapixel era. The resolution is extremely crisp at the area in focus, while both front and rear bokeh are silky-smooth. Offering the ultra-high performance that characterizes our Art line, this lens inherits the design principles of the line’s first model, the flagship SIGMA 50mm F1.4 DG HSM.

Sigma 50mm f1.4 DG HSM Art lens.

I'll be using this lens since the images I'll get from it will be of the highest quality, and I love how the backdrop blurs out. because a low-refractive SLD lens is installed. In the entire plane, my photographs will be clear and contrasty.

The 70–300mm focal length range (105–450mm when used with a Nikon DX-format SLR) easily puts you in the center of the action. A minimum focus distance of 1.2 m throughout the zoom range and a 0.25x maximum reproduction ratio lets you get in close and fill the frame. And the Internal Focusing (IF) system means the front lens does not rotate while focusing, which is convenient if you’re using a filter.

The weather-resistant design delivers reliable shooting in challenging weather conditions. The lightweight build ensures more comfortable handheld shooting and easy portability. Weighing just 680 g, this FX lens is a great travel partner. And it’s an ideal second lens for those times when you might need a little more reach.

The superior resolving power of this full-frame lens ensures crisp, high-resolution images throughout the zoom range, even when shooting wide open.
Extra-low dispersion (ED) glass counters chromatic aberration for images with vivid color and perfectly rendered contrast all the way to the edge of the frame. The nine-blade rounded diaphragm enables even, natural-looking bokeh.

Nikkor 70-300mm f/4.5-6.3G ED

I might use this lens for my outdoor shoot because it works well for distant events.


Major Project Research : What makes children most happy.

“A child can teach adults three things: to be happy for no reason, to keep busy, and to demand with all his might what he wants.” – Paulo Coelho

In this post, I will focus on what makes children most happy. I will find out the things to do with kids and use that in my session with the children. Weather phenomena (rain, snow, rainbow, picturesque sunset) we see something interesting outside the window, we quickly put on the right clothes and run outside. Such observations very often make children smile, and additionally, they teach. And just walking in puddles in the rain will teach them more than reading. Do kids get bored when it rains? Not if we equip them with the right clothes and shoes! The youngest love, apart from wading, jumping, and other fun in puddles, and they recommend staying in the open air from the weather. Well-chosen, comfortable rubber boots are therefore a must for every child and toddler. Thanks to them, you can easily walk even on the wettest, rainy days.

In one of my sessions, I will try to catch a day when will be raining. I want to make the picture similar to that on the top. I have three sisters and I think they will be perfect for this session. They like such fun. They will all wear rubber boots, colorful coats, and umbrellas. We will find a large puddle. What will be will be. I can`t wait :)

Siblings to an extraordinary harness that evolves over the years. What is a sibling? What are the best words to describe the sisterly and brotherly interpretation? 
Sibling loves unconditional love. They say everyone has a brother who has a treasure. To the belief that there can be no higher movement as sibling service is a great opportunity to form lasting bonds with a person who grows and develops year after year.

I love that picture. In my family, I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters, so I know that is good to have them. That photo introduces siblings. I will also make the picture like that. I will use the professional studio to do that. I just think to use a suitcase instead of a bed. I will use a different color on the background. I will think about dressing the children and maybe add some toys to make them feel more comfortable. I want to show the sibling love in the picture so maybe some cuddling. 

Soap bubbles have something fascinating about them. Specialists develop that playing with soap bubbles is an excellent speech therapy exercise. Evenly blowing air out of the lungs and creating a characteristic "hole" is effective in the development of the speech apparatus, and even more - can already solve many ordinary speech therapy problems.

This photo reminded me a bit of my childhood. I loved playing with soap bubbles. That is why I decided that it would be great fun for children in which I would definitely be able to take a few photos and capture their happiness. It will definitely depend on the weather, it will be better to play outside, but if the weather is not good, we will do it in the studio, maybe using a smaller set of soap bubbles.
Just a bowl with liquid for large soap bubbles, a generator, and … ready. The effect will be nice for sure. 

Children themselves know what is best for them and that is what they eat. Often, from the whole dinner arsenal, they choose only one ingredient, because that's what they want. They eat slowly, and they don't care if their tardiness makes them late for their appointment.
We often devour everything that falls into our hands without any thought. Sometimes we're not even hungry, but we eat anyway. We tend to put too much into our stomachs. Too focused on what we will have to do after dinner, we do not notice the moment when our body tells us that we are already full.

A session with children feeding each other also has something that can show a happy childhood. Children do not pay attention to anything that they get dirty or food falls on the ground and they eat it. I think I can use food but now kids prefer fast food and sweets. But some children like vegetables and fruits. We`ll try maybe the parents agree to the nakedness of the rules. 

Each of these options is considered on my part, I just have to think about which child with which. Can`t wait for the results myself. 


Sunday 20 November 2022

Major Project Research: The theme of the child in literature.

The purpose of this post is to show you how childhood is portrayed in literature. For my project, which is about a happy childhood, I will follow some guidelines. My choices include two books I read in elementary school and a poem that also had a significant impact on my childhood.

 Childhood is a period of carefree, fun, innocence, and joy, which is recorded in the consciousness of every person especially. During this time, we get to know the world, shape our personalities, develop our worldview, and meet our closest people. Childhood is undoubtedly a special period that hugely impacts who we are as adults. Children also play an important role in literature, where their functions and portrayals are very different. This motif was especially popular in the era of positivism, although it also appeared in other epochs. 

The title character of the philosophical story - "The Little Prince" is an extremely sensitive, truthful, noble, sincere, and at the same time naïve child who straightforwardly perceives the world and is devoid of cynicism, hypocrisy, and hypocrisy. He believes in love, friendship, and honesty, which is why he always tells the truth and tries to be helpful. Visiting successive planets inhabited by people, he inadvertently points out their flaws and shows the grotesqueness of their behavior. Although he is a child, his view of the world turns out to be much more true, reasonable, and complete than the absurd and selfish ideas of adults. The Little Prince "theme of a child is used to criticize human vices, such as the desire for power, greed, or self-interest, and at the same time draws attention to the fact that the greatest treasure is not money, power, or one`s own ego, but another person, love and friendship..." Little Prince "The Prince" shows that a child`s view of the world, naïve, carefree, and devoid of the corruption of adulthood, allows us to see more than the rational and often emotionless approach of adults.

"Anna of Green Gables" - in this case, the portrait of the child appears to be extremely realistic, because that`s what the title character is - true to pain. Her fate is difficult because she lost both parents at a very young age, which is why she is brought up in families whit strangers until one day, by chance, she ends up at the Cuthbert estate, where she permanently settles in. Anna Shirley, because that`s her name, is tall and thin, and her complex is red hair, and an overactive imagination, which she probes by giving names to things, animals, and places so as not to feel lonely. Her energy and friendliness make other children like her and are drawn to her. Anna Shirley`s portrait is certainly carefree and typically childlike, which reminds the reader of times of early youth. At the same time, due to life difficulties and negative features of the main character, talkativeness, stubbornness, absent-mindedness, and recklessness, as well as the numerous troubles she gets into, her portrait becomes very real and close to reality. Communicating with Ania, one has the impression that she is a child of flesh and blood who could live in today`s world. 

Leopold Staff`s poem entitled "Childhood" describes the memories of the lyrical subject from childhood, but from the perspective of a mature man, as a lost paradise to which one willingly returns one`s mind. The mentioned seemingly ordinary objects evoke a smile and are associated with various events: "the poetry of old wells, broken clocks, attics, and mute violins broke, without a fiddle player. "Sometimes they took on a new, different meaning, like keys. They were surrounded by a forest of witchcraft. It was a period when the subject collected various things. It was a period in which the subject empirically got to know the world and sought the truth about it. It can be concluded that he was happy then because he calls his childhood a crazy journey through a world full of adventures. He says about it - a dream sweet, absurd, like happiness.... like happiness... 

Childhood in literature can be presented as an innocent state lost over the years, full of happiness, joy, and fun. However, it always remains in your memories and allows you to break away from reality. As Mickiewicz wrote in the Epilogue of Pan Tadeusz: " Country of childhood! He will always be Holy and pure as the first love, Not undermined by illusions, Not changed by the stream of accidents. Where I seldom cried and never gnashed, I would gladly greet these countries with my thoughts. The countries of my childhood, where a man runs around the world like a face, and he only knew flowers Miles and beautiful, poisonous threw, To the useful ones he did not turn his eye."

 I researched books because they are inspired by children. Children who see the world differently, learn self-responsibility. It is interesting how their view of the world changes from an early age. For example, "The Little Prince" shows us that without any science, without anything, he can take care of other beings himself and still be happy. This is what I want to show in my pictures - the happiness of children. Like "Anna of Green Gables" she was left alone without her parents at a young age, but she is portrayed as a happy child. Children show their emotions, they are not afraid of tears, or joy, and they are shy but happy. Adults hide their feelings more, while children are ideal models because even when they are shy, this shyness is shown in the pictures. In my sessions, I intend to present children in different situations to bring joy and happiness to them, and these books have helped me understand that children can also be responsible for another being, regardless of age. There will probably be some people who disagree with me. The problem is that I don't really know what children want, so taking pictures of them is difficult. As soon as they don't get what they want, they will do everything they can to get it. Despite the fact that I don't have children of my own, I think you can always find a way to interest them. Then you need to take pictures while you can. This is exactly what I would try to use in my pictures. Give a bit of freedom to make the session run smoothly. It will be a challenge but I think it will be fun at the same time. 


About "The Little Prince" available from [Online]:

About: "Childhood" Leopolda Staffa available from [Online]:

Website: About me.

Me, myself, and I… Hi, as you probably already know if you come to my blog – my name is Magdalena Surowiecka. Originally, I am from Poland, but for the last 16 years, I live in Great Britain, specifically in Leicester. For a long time, thanks to a birthday gift from my grandparents, I have had a passion - photography. I've always loved capturing moments, capturing moments, and having a keepsake. The camera makes all these things possible. It helps to understand someone's vision of the world. Finally, at the beginning of the year, I realized that I would like to develop this passion. Learn other skills useful in this field, just develop your knowledge. That's how I signed up for college and I'm almost finishing my first semester. Currently, I'm working on my big project related to photographing children and creating my first official website. It's not an easy challenge, especially when you're working. However, I have always been very determined to chase my dreams and make them come true. All this is also possible for me thanks to the support of my husband and relatives. My current priority is to complete the project and focus on further studies. I consider zero years to be a viable alternative for people who are ambitious, open to the world, and have always dreamed of studying abroad. Nevertheless, they are afraid of their late English. I think that after a year when I pass all the exams and get into university, my life will change dramatically. It will be my new path to a better future and maybe better job opportunities. This extra year will certainly allow me to gain courage and more self-confidence. Then, in the next few years - I would like to go to Switzerland or  Norway with my husband and create the house we have always dreamed of. In my imagination, I see myself in a beautiful little café. Next to a small stream, I drink coffee and admire the views.

Also, you can read `About me` on my website - here.

Critically Evaluating My Website.

 In this post, I would like to focus, on the critical evolution of my website. 

·        Planning stage:

My website has got a tagline ‘Magdalena Surowiecka Photography’. In the beginning, my idea was to create a website that will be more subdued colors but after all, I decided on white with pink font. I plan to change a few things as now I see it is not refined. My page ‘About me’ need more information regards my person and my passion which is photography. Also on the main page, I would like to add more pictures as the amount right now is poor.


·        Research

I try to take an example, especially from my favorite photographer – Russ Jackson. Now his website is differently designed but before he also had subdued colors. The page of Russ was so clear and there was an easy way to find what you wanted to find. I think, due to his experience and for sure this is not his first website his page is more simple but more elegant than mine.

To also have an easier way to help find what people need I wanted to create 4 pages for my site, and this is what I have done.


·        Content

My website content is mostly kids. Children are the models which I focused especially to make photographs. Due to this, my potential customers can be a company which will want to create an advert with kids involve, parents, or even schools.

In my opinion, possession of a website is important because of a few reasons:

·        Easier way for clients to find a photographer

·        Presentation of my work

·        Possibility of contact

·        Access to my official accounts


·        Design


I have used a lot of design elements. First of all, I changed the background of each of my sites. Then I added a different color of fonts used in navigation. After all, I have added some photos. I think I should start by step in that each site does not jump from one to another. I was very excited to create my first own website. I changed these elements to make the website more enjoyable for the eye. Now I want to change some things, I have created a logo that I would like to use on my website, and I want to add more photos on the front page and as mentioned earlier add more information regarding me. The temples which I use for my website are:

·        Main site – Smoke and Rainbow

·        About Me – The Flamingos

·        Major Project Gallery – Dramatic Staker

·        Contact Me – Flamingos

I choose these temples because I like them very much flaming. They are so beautiful and make a smile on my face. Also, I wanted to connect websites with my vision, kids also make people smile. They are so full of likes and make life so colorful. My ‘Contact me’ site works for everything. There are also some links to my official account, which can also help with the trial to contact me.


·        Navigation

As mentioned before, my website has got links to my official account which is Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The icons are at the bottom of each site, it is easy to find. Also if someone will want to look for a possibility of contact with me, my site ‘Contact me’ Is working and it is connected to my e-mail, so I will have a quick way to replay as well.

Free Project - Reflection

 Taking photos with a mobile phone has become an integral part of our daily lives. With the convenience of always having a camera at our fin...