Saturday 29 October 2022

Project Sing Off: Joys of childhood

My project sing-off - Joys of childhood is almost completed. I include in my work a children's and I want to show their expressions and favorite activities. My work will show also children even if they have gen21 and don't see the bad in people. They always see the good in people, and to say this beautiful 'they have another gen of love' no matter what happened. 

Photo of Kacper, September 2020

Children always are very trustfully of grown-ups and give for others' hearts, love, and kindness. They do not see the bad things and they are very open even when they are shy. I would like to show this, no matter if they have an illness or they are healthy they all are the same, sometimes they just need more patience. 

 Please find my project sing-off: Joys of childhood here.

Wednesday 19 October 2022

Research three of photographers.

In this post, I will concentrate on researching the Top 3 for me a photographer and their secrets 😋

The first photographer which is inspired me is Magdalena Berny. Her photography attracts attention with its simplicity.

Magdalena Berny was born in May 1976. She is a self-taught photographer, passionate. Daily, a mother of two children. Magdalena is a laureate of many awards in a national and international photo competitions. Over the years, she has managed to create her own recognizable style. Children from Magdalena`s photos are often a story about their lost childhood. The photos themselves undoubtedly have some magic and mystery - as if they tale book. Magdalena, as she says: the most important thing for her is to enclose a part of the soul in the portrait...

                                                Source: Magdalena Berny, 20.10.2014 12:05

The reason why I choose Magdalena it's not only because of the similar name. Magdalena is a polish woman like me. In my own project, I would like to do photos that will be staged as she is doing. I want to show the story of the child who will be in my session in the same way as Magdalena is doing - to show a story behind it. From the first moment I was interested in her portfolio, she make simple shoots that straight away catch the eye of the observatory. Her photos need more creation than observation. 

Next photographer Kevin Cook

Kevin Cook is an award-winning Children's & Wedding Photographer located in Fayetteville, N.C. He has been featured in several articles, webcasts, magazine covers, podcasts, and workshops. As a professional photographer, Kevin has excelled in providing clients with beautiful memories that will stand up to the test of time. In 2014 he expanded his endeavor to reach out to photographers with tools to equip them to quickly take their work to a higher level without training. Kevin launched KCCACTIONS on September 28th of 2014 and has provided thousands of photographers all over the globe with Photoshop tools. 


                                                Source: Wrapped, Kevin Cook July 6 2014

Kevin Cook has created for clients and unforgettable memories by pictures. He is focused to show the magic of each photo he takes. I choose his works in my own session I would like to make the same for the children which will be a part of my project. I want to be patient with him and show that working with kids is good cooperation. 

And the last one from my research is Jake Olson

Nebraska-based graphic artist and photographer Jake Olson's photos truly capture the spirit of the American Midwest. Known for his outdoor and natural photos, Jake has created yet another captivating photo series that feature young children and animals in natural lighting. There are no special effects and yet there is something so serene and magical in these peaceful, innocent images of children running in the open fields and the dirt roads of a Nebraskan countryside. Amazingly, Olson is not a professional photographer and started off in the jewelry industry. This just goes to prove that even ordinary people can find beauty in life. His photos are definitely scenes from our childhood dreams - clear skies, open fields, and gentle winds.

As I mentioned earlier in my session will be kids. And I want to show their raw expression of them just like Jake Olson which was doing natural pictures. I also do not want to use any photo effects to show the natural beauty and expressions of children. I choose him also because he is one of the not many successful social photographers on the internet to Forbes.


About Magdalena Berny [Online] Available From:

About Kevin Cook [Online] Available From:

About Jake Olson [Online] Available From:

Majar Project Smart Objective.

As you can see in my two last posts I concentrated on ideas for my final project. Now is the time to decide what will it be  😋

So my final project will call "Joys of childhood" and I will use photography to create that.

I will now present my Aims and Objectives.

To create my project of which photography I use, I decide to do a photobook, I will arrange a session with my friends' children: Nicola, Nadia, Oskar, and Aniela in nice environments for example child play, and a park. I`m sure that in this background they will be happy and full of energy. Also, I would like to do a self-portrait of children to show Their emotions - sadness, and happiness. 

I will be looking in some shops the product which I can use for the session: like decorations or some toys. 

I will use Photoshop to make some contact sheets, also if a need more programs I will use Pixlr maybe as well. To build my photobook I will use a flipbook - I have not used this before so I will learn this as I go. 

I will try to use only the camera - Nikon D7500 to take the photos, but if I will find a situation where I will have only one phone with me and I don't have a different choice I will use the phone as well.  

I will get permission from my friends to use photos in my school project.

I will research the following children's photographers.

I will make my project ready before 8 December, 9am.

Also, I will be completed the Planning Sheet each week 😊


Smart photo [Online] Available from:

Tuesday 18 October 2022

Week Three: Ideas Generation.

 Here is an example of what would be expected from your initial post on Ideas generation.

Title: Ideas Generation: Joys of childhood.

                                                                    Source: 16 March 2022

Dr. Mohan Kanda says in the article to The Hans India on 17 Mar 2022 that: " Infancy, and childhood, are easily the best periods of one`s life. They are filled with innocence, laughter, curiosity, and the joys of growing up and learning. The time, the energy, and the enthusiasm that we spend in keeping a child amused, entertained, and contented, is an investment well worth making."

So here are some of the ideas from which I will choose to create my project.


I will arrange a session with children in a nice environment for example child play, park. I'm sure that in this background they will be happy and full of energy. Also, I would like to do a self-portrait of children to show their emotions -sadness, and happiness.


Adverts will be about selling toys. 


I will try to do a mini stylish session for children to make them feel like small models. With different hairstyles and clothes. 

Movie Musical 

5-7 min musical where kids will sing songs and dance with the time. The group with 6-7 kids and 1 adult. 


Dr. Mohan Kanda says in the article to The Hans India [Online] Available From:

Initial Ideas: Major Project.

Childhood was for me one of the most fantastic moments in my life. That was a time when we all have been together. My sisters, my brothers, and of course my parents and grandparents. Sometimes I wish I can go back to this fantastic time. That's why I decided to do my project about the Joys of childhood.

Above this description I have created a Milanote board with my ideas and initial research - you can look at this full size through this
link or below.


Monday 17 October 2022

Blog Buddies: Advertisement Project Feedback.

Today in my blog I will write Feedback about Charlie's blog. Charlie is a new student in my class and he doesn`t have yet Blog Buddies. My blog buddy is not in the class this week and he don`t add any posts by this week. If you are interested in Charlie's work please visit - Click on me

In the beginning, I want to say that Charlie's advert is really good. Charlie has done a great job of explaining step by step how he creates his advert. His post shows each step that he made to create this. The description he write was also very clear and easy to read even for a person who does not know anything about cameras or photo makers programs. The colors which he chooses for his advert are pulling the attention of the watcher. He also add a lot of resources of pages from which he was using and for me is a big plus as this is very important especially when you are blogging. The custom is very clear and organized along with his blog. Which makes everything easy to find. 

Friday 14 October 2022

The Final Advert & Reflection

 This is my final advert for MS Digital Camera....


When I was creating this advert I was think about my passion. I think that finale result looks good, when I will have more time I will probably add more text or spend more time to do pictures. I use pink colour on background to catch the attention the viewer. The advert showing what I wanted to show -  the heart is the base of photography so it is the a camera.  

Final Advert Creation

Now all the elements have been completed I can put the advert together using Pixlr. I start first with open new print A4 width 2480 and height 3508. I change the background color and In the top right corner, I put the logo.

Then using the tab select two images I wish to add one of me with a camera and a second-only camera. Then resized and moved to make this as balanced. Next, use the tab with elements and add hearts around the picture.

Next, I change the effect of the picture on the color TOM in Pixlr.

Then I added the text and kept the color in keeping with my logo. To make the text on the top I use the font Bebasneue, and on the bottom text,  I use the font Adios Amigos. Both fonts are from Pixlr. I decided to add one more small heart.

 I move the text and images slightly to ensure that everything lined up correctly. I saved this file on my drive. 

Creating My Own Advert: Initial Plan & Contact Sheets.

 In that post, I will focus on how to make my own advert. As I wrote in my first post my passion is photography, so now from you will not be surprised my advert will be about photography. In the beginning, I drew out a rough sketch of what I intended for the advert. I intend to create a logo and call my company "MS DIGITAL Camera" Inspired by my teacher Zoe Van-de-Velde's post I make the picture - me with a camera and only a camera. 

I created a Logo using the PixLR program. In the last class, we had a practice on that program and the teacher asked us to use PixLR to make an advert. That's I done and that's a Logo: 

I make a logo like that because that will be my company Logo, that's why I use my Initials.

Below are the contacts off shots I have taken in preparation for the advert - with a camera made by my friend Monika. Probably not all are good, but I liked it. Monika is a person who never makes a picture like that she caught what I ask her to do. Whereas picture the camera I make myself. I still think that a better location would improve the photo. Each session was made in the old dressing room and the stairs. We both tried during the session so the photos were not subjected to any alteration. Here are the results: 


                                                                        My camera.

Tuesday 11 October 2022

Creating an Advertisement: Ideas and Initial Research

We have been discussing creating an advertisement and the Art of Advertising in class. David Mackenzie Ogilvy - Copywriter and one of the most famous advertising makers. Often referred to as the "Father of Advertising". Is a lot of types of advertising. My favorite adverts are cameras.

The first advert below is a contemporary advert for Sony suggestion that is a very speed camera. The message that they won't give in that advertisement is that camera Sony Alpha 55 has " Super fast continuous Auto Focus for both HD movies and still Photos". The comparison of that camera to Formula 1. is how sure everyone knows that Formula 1 is the most prestigious international motor racing. One of the blogs says that " One advantage of the Sony range over either Canon or Nikon is that the A55 features built-in sensor-shift image stabilization, hence no need to spend extra on specialist lenses to help combat camera shake. On the Sony A55, light sensitivity stretches from ISO 100 all the way up to ISC 12,800, with a quasi-top speed of 25,600 achieved by taking and combining six frames at once. The continuous shooting speed of 10fps at full resolution when using the EVE or in Live View mode is amazing for a mid-range camera, while Sony`s long-standing D-Range optimizer function helps to even out tricky exposures, for example where a bright background would normally throw the foreground into deep shadow." 

The second advert presents Nikon from 1989. The short text gives more information that the advert is an old camera however the text also mentions the famous photograph of Eddie Adams. Kat Kiernan says that "A clear evolution in both technology and consumer attitudes towards photography can be seen through camera advertisements spanning the last 130 years. In the early days of amateur photography, advertisements concentrated on the camera`s ability to realize the photographer`s personal vision. Slogans focused on adventure and imagination, and accompanying photographs were made with the camera. In later years, advertisements highlighted the mechanical nature of photography and the various technological advances that set one particular model or brand apart from another".

                                                                 Source: 2022, Andreas Bomert

                                                                Source: 1989, Nikon

A good advertisement should have a clear and specific message. Advertising that is intended to attract the attention of the audience must be unique and creative. You can also use it to trigger the indicated reactions in the recipient. It can be joy or emotion, curiosity, and interest. 

The above advert photos were chosen by me because it has shown me the direction in which my project should be going. Thank this research I decided to make my own advert for the old camera as it was a perfect present from my passed away grandparents which makes this a very special project for me.

You are learning photography for all of your life, it's not one moment. True photographers make pictures from the heart. If you don't feel love for this you were not able to catch the magic moments of your and your surrounding life. I wanted the next generations to see what we were able to see right now. 


About Sony Alpha 55 [Online} Available From:

Kat Kiernan says May 4, 2016 [Online] Available From:

Monday 10 October 2022

My Blog Buddy.

My Blog buddy will be Bartosz Trzcinski. He's a photographer and he start a study at DMU in Leicester this year. I will be looking on at his blog which is  "My Other Look" and he will post comments on my blog to support me and my work - looking forward to sharing 😋

Sunday 9 October 2022

Sequential Images; Practice Homework

 Monika & my camera :)

After the last class, we have homework to do - Practicing sequential Images. Because my blog is called "My first dream camera" I decided that my camera will take a part in this session. Of course, without the help of my friend Monika, It would not have happened.

The weather was fine, so we go to the Park, to take photos. For the session, I was using my phone Huawei P30 PRO and didn't use flash. I make about 50 pictures. After the session, I come back home and download them on my computer. I want to see how the picture will look folded together because I thought that I would be more able to express what I wanted to show. I searched for it on the internet. I use the website fotoram. co/collage/pl and I put pictures together in a one-line order. Here is the shoot: 

I decided to add 5 more pictures separately. Here they are:

And one picture with a description of how was done:

                                         October ,8 2022 Leicester by Magdalena Surowiecka 
Huawei 5.56mm f/1.6 1/2500s ISO 50 

In my opinion, the picture is ok, but still I need a lot of practice. The weather was very good for October. My model was a little shy and stressed, that was her first session, so I think the next session will be better if she wants to help me again. But I'm happy to manage to make her laugh a little.😄 I will still practice sequential images till when I will be satisfied. So I invite you to continue watching my blog.😁

Friday 7 October 2022

Sequential Imagery Research part II

                                          Elliott Erwitt

                                       The comings and goings of the Louvre, 1989.                                                                                                          Source: Air Mail 

  Elliott Erwitt, original name in full Elio Romano Erwitz, (born July 26, 1928, in Paris, France), French-born American photographer and filmmaker who is known for his uncanny ability to capture on film the humor and irony of everyday life. Elliott sequences reveal the afterlife of photographs, in cinematic jump cuts the show people or animals kinetically recovering from the poses that the camera inflicts on them. Once a tragedy ends, human comedy is bound to resume.

                                                Central Park, New York City, 1990
                                                       Source: The eye of Photography 

Weinstein said that what distinguishes Erwitt from other photographers is their visual sense of humor. "He captures this moment of humor that is so hard for photographers to capture," he said. Indeed, many of Erwitt's photographs read like punchlines - whether it's a poodle on its hind legs in a crowd of people, looking like one of the gang, or a few guys dressed in tights and feathers grabbing a drink at the bar.
Weinstein also said Erwitt's work is refreshing in its lack of pretension. "It's not about art-speak, and planes and spaces and strokes and composition and all that, " he said. "You make a great image that moves people - and that's what Elliott does."
As Weinstein mentioned Elliott Erwitt has a sense of humor that distinguishes him from others photographers. I would love to try something like that, as well as have his eyes because as he said himself "iconic is in the eyes of the beholder."     

 Cannes, France,1975

Source: The eye of Photography

The coming and goings of the Louvre, 1989 Air Mail [Online] Available from:
Central Park, New York City, 1990; Cannes, France,1975 The eye of Photography [Online] Available from:
Weinstein said to MPR new article written by Marianne Combs on November 24,2015 [Online] Available from:


Sequential Imagery Research part I

 Duane Michals


                        Things Are Queer
Nine gelatin silver prints with hand-applied text
                        3 3/8 x 5 inches. 
                                                          Source: Dc Moore Gallery.

  Duane Michals (b.1932, McKeesport, PA) is one of the great photographic innovators of the last century widely known for his work with series, multiple exposures, and text.                                         Michals first made significant, creative strides in the field of photography during the 1960s. In an era heavily influenced by photojournalism, Michals manipulated the medium to communicate narratives. The sequences, for which he is widely known appropriate cinema`s frame-by-frame format.                                                                                                               

Death Comes to the Old Lady 
         Five gelatin silver prints with hand-applied text 
                                                                                   3 3/8 x 5 inches (each image)       
                                                                                    Source: Dc Moore Gallery.

  Duane Michals as seen by 

    "Michal`s work is almost as autobiographical as, for example, Lartigue`s work, but radically different: it doesn't surprise the moment, it creates it. Unlike the youthful Lartigue patiently positioned at the end of the boulevard alleys to capture the elegant look in full attire, Michals never pays attention to body movements: he provokes the film and the movements through it. soul. To this end, it uses model, professional or not, complex technical scientific staging procedures. - Renaud Camus. Searching and watching Michals's work I liked how he crates sequences of images that explore intangible human dilemmas - doubt, mortality, and desire. How he derives poetic effects from technical errors such as double exposure and motion blur. I will try to use them in my work.                                                                     



                                                                                        The Fallen Angel
                                                                   Eight gelatin silver prints with hand-applied text
                                                                                5 x 7 inches (each image) 
                                                                                 Source: Dc Moore Gallery.


Duane Michals as seen by Renaud Camus. [Online] Available from:

 Things Are Queer 1973; Death Comes to the Old Lady 1969; The Fallen Angel 1968
 Galeria DC Moore Gallery [Online] Available from:

Wednesday 5 October 2022

Sequential Images; Class Task.

                                                                Little squirrel 

In the last session, my group created a simple set of sequential images. I was late and I didn't have a  chance to practice together with them. This is why I needed to spend time practicing by myself.

I decided to take my husband with me and go for a walk to Bradgate Park. I wanted to find something to make pictures and like for me, the surprise was under the tree. There was a little squirrel just eating something. I quickly take my phone from my pocket and make the picture. 

For this session, I use my phone Huawei P30 PRO and the picture was made without the lamp. 
I make about 50 pictures. In my opinion, the squirrel didn't like that much attendance. Because of that same as the photo was blurry. 
When I come back home I download them on my computer. 
When I will be at university created contact sheets in Photoshop (File - Automate -contact sheet).

Here is the picture from the shoot.

                                                                October 2022, Bradgate Park.

The Little squirrel (October 2022, Bradgate Park) by Magdalena Surowiecka
Huawei f/3.4 1/50s ISO 100.

In my opinion, it's too bad that I couldn't make more shoots at a short distance. The squirrel was very active and I couldn't make more sharp pictures. Due to the weather, the colors are not that bright. Still thanks to the little model I`m satisfied with our photo session.


Free Project - Reflection

 Taking photos with a mobile phone has become an integral part of our daily lives. With the convenience of always having a camera at our fin...