Monday 27 February 2023

Mobile photographers- Research for Free Project

In this post I will want to focus on finding out more about what mobile photography is and I will search for a few photographers who use it, I will try to get as much knowledge as possible to be able to do my next project well.

“Moving it (the glass) closer or farther away from the background will completely change the look and feel of the shot. So keep moving, experiment and see what you come up with."- Sunny Sherestha

A mobile photographer is someone who uses their smartphone or tablet to capture and create photographic images. With the increasing advancements in smartphone camera technology, mobile photography has become a popular and accessible form of photography. Mobile photographers use various photography techniques, such as composition, lighting, exposure, and post-processing, to create compelling images. Mobile photography has become a legitimate art form, with many mobile photographers gaining recognition for their work. There are also many mobile photography communities and platforms, such as Instagram, that allow mobile photographers to share their work and connect with other photographers. To become a mobile photographer, one needs to have a basic understanding of photography concepts and techniques, such as framing, lighting, and composition. It's also important to learn how to use the camera app on your mobile device and explore different third-party camera apps that can provide more advanced features and settings. Additionally, post-processing is a critical aspect of mobile photography. Editing apps like Lightroom, Snapseed, and VSCO can help enhance the image and bring out the desired look and feel. Ultimately, the key to becoming a successful mobile photographer is to practice regularly and experiment with different techniques, apps, and settings. With patience, dedication, and creativity, anyone can become a skilled mobile photographer.

I would like to briefly introduce three mobile photographers.

Jess Angell by Sam Landers, October 14,2019

First, Jess Angell, Miss Underground, is best known for her stunning pictures of the London Underground. Early on, Jess studied photography in school, but it wasn’t until she got an iPhone and discovered Instagram that she fell in love with photography again. Primarily shooting with the latest iPhone, Jess doesn't classify herself as a traditional photographer, but more as someone with a keen eye who likes to capture details that others may not see – like finding new ways to look at escalators, stairs and tunnels of famous European transport systems.

Passage of the underground II, Jess Angell.

Jess's work celebrates the Underground's beautiful and varied geometry and architecture, as she hunts and waits to capture these normally crowded spaces empty of people. Fall in love with these subterranean spaces as their hidden angles and details are revealed. - Trope Publishing

Neal Kumar

Then I focused on Neal Kumar shoots for clients such as Marriott, Gucci, and the Mexico Board of Tourism in addition to his primary work as a dermatologist, but rigorously limits his Instagram feed to images taken on his iPhone. With his travel and urban photography, Neal pushes the boundaries of what technology can do, while celebrating and exploring its limitations, always striving to exceed what mobile images “should” look like. Neal Kumar showcases the talent and discipline of a photographer who has wholeheartedly embraced mobile photography as a tool of choice.

Urban Photography, Neal Kumar 

With his travel and urban photography, Neal pushes the boundaries of what the technology can do, while celebrating and exploring its limitations, always striving to exceed what mobile images "should" look like. Neal Kumar showcases the talent and discipline of a photographer who has wholeheartedly embraced mobile photography as a tool of choice. - Trope Publishing.

Cocu Chen Liu.

Cocu Liu is a mobile photographer and designer. . He is fascinated by urban landscapes who believes “the best camera is the one that’s with you.”Cocu uses mobile phones for everything – shooting, selecting, editing and sharing. As smartphone image capabilities continue to advance, he finds he no longer needs to use other devices in his workflow. He has received numerous awards for his photography, and collaborated with Apple on their "Shot on iPhone 7" global campaign.

Cocu Liu, Illinois, United States 1st Place/Seasons

 His images document his travels around the world, using different styles of photography to capture a scene. Compiling a mix of dramatic cityscapes, abstract views and minimalist black and white shots, Liu really brings attention to the power of mobile photography. Using mobile apps such as Lightroom and Photoshop, he achieves a "Koda-chrome type" color palette which is instantly recognizable throughout his work. Each photo is a masterful composition: a combination of shape, light, and shadow that leads the viewer’s eye where he wants it to go. The photos are, for lack of a more pretentious way of putting it, pleasant to look at. Sometimes he makes use of symmetry, other times he weights his compositions on one side or the other, but clearly he takes a Steve McCurry-esque approach to creating his images… and it’s working.


ExpertPhotography (2023) The Ultimate Guide to smartphone photography (96 best tips), ExpertPhotography. Available at: (Accessed: February 27, 2023).

(no date) Blocked IP address due to Suspicious Activity. Available at: (Accessed: February 27, 2023).

Wesson, K. (2019) How Neal Kumar takes stunning urban iphone photos, iPhone Photography School. Available at: (Accessed: February 27, 2023).

Landers, S. (2019) Photography is my meditation, Trope Publishing Co. Trope Publishing Co. Available at: (Accessed: February 27, 2023).

Rooke, H. (2021) Meet the photographers redefining camera phone photography, digitalcameraworld. Digital Camera World. Available at: (Accessed: February 27, 2023).

16 mobile photographers you want to know (no date) EyeEm. Available at: (Accessed: February 24, 2023).

Shrestha, S. (2022) Still life photography using a glass of water, PictureCorrect. Available at: (Accessed: February 24, 2023).

Blog, 500px (2015) The wondefully minimal iphone photography of Cocu Liu, 500px. Available at: (Accessed: February 27, 2023).

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