Monday 6 February 2023

How to write the poem ?

For centuries, poems have driven humanity to action, and have been a source of comfort in a difficult time or a carrier of universal values. It is difficult to overestimate the contribution to human life that poetry has had over the years. 

Below is a video that will be useful to any beginner.

I also recommend the site that interested me very much. Everything is explained very simply, pictures and video are included. Click here and you'll see for yourself.

I think that this video as well as the pages I have posted will help you as well as me. I realised first of all that the best way to start writing is to write from the heart, or about something that has happened to you, an unhappy love, the loss of a loved one, or even a successfully passed exam, on any subject you can write a poem, you need inspiration because it is difficult to convince someone to do something if you have not experienced it yourself.  I also learned that there are rhymed poems and white poems are those without rhyme. Good rhyming tests should consist of verses in which the number of syllables is the same or repeated when reading imagine that the accented syllables form a kind of melody, the rhyme should be compact, interesting, and funny, One of the important things is to think about the audience, as I do in my poems I combine with the book, I will try to present them in a simple way because my main goal is children, so simple language is best for them. As a child, I read a lot of poems by Polish writers, but this time I decided to delve deeper and recently came across interesting poems by foreign writers. I also have my own personal reasons why I read these, but I think it was worthwhile to see how other writers create. It will be difficult to match them, but talent is not everything, hard work is also important. I've already written a few poems, waiting for feedback. Still learning all the time.

"Poetry is for you a land of respite after the hardships of everyday life, a land where you can forget about many everyday matters for a moment. In this way, stanzas with a naive, somewhat childish overtone are created, however, as if beyond a certain time and beyond the author's personality. Poets "by birth" do the exact opposite. For them, poetry is not recreation and an escape from life, but life itself. Therefore, they try to express in it what the Lord puts aside: experiences, anxieties, complaints, and questions that a mature person asks himself. Ready-made verse forms are not always enough for this, and their aphorisms are rarely so simple." - Wieslawa Szymborska 


  1. Good that you have looked at how to write a poem but you need to look at poetry forms and actually show that you have started to look at poetry terms and understand this in more depth, one youtube video will not do this - please add more with more references and research

  2. You do need to finalise this project now and complete your book work as we are moving onto the next project


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