Monday 27 February 2023

Technical of mobile photography - research.

Mobile photography has become incredibly popular with the rise of smartphones that feature high-quality cameras. Here are some techniques to improve your mobile photography:

  • Composition: Composition is one of the most critical elements of photography. Consider using the rule of thirds to create more dynamic and interesting photos.
  • Lighting: Lighting is crucial to creating beautiful photos. Try to avoid harsh direct light and use natural light whenever possible.
  • Focus: Ensure that your subject is in focus by tapping on the screen where you want the focus to be. This can also help to adjust the exposure levels.
  • Exposure: Adjust the exposure levels manually by tapping on the screen to focus on a specific point and then sliding your finger up or down to adjust the brightness.
  • Editing: There are many photo editing apps available that can help you enhance your photos. Experiment with filters, cropping, and color adjustments to create unique and beautiful images.
  • Use of accessories: Consider using external accessories such as tripods, lenses, and stabilizers to help you create even better images.
  • Try different perspectives: Try shooting from different angles and perspectives to create unique and interesting compositions.
  • Experiment with different modes: Many smartphones now come with a variety of shooting modes such as panorama, HDR, and portrait mode. Experiment with these modes to see what works best for your subject and style.

By applying these techniques, you can create stunning photos with your mobile device. Remember that practice makes perfect, so keep experimenting and trying new things to improve your skills.

At the bottom I will present you a video, which will tell you that you can have an additional lens for the camera and for the phone, they will tell you what lenses they are and how to use them. This is just one of the videos but if you have time Suriu has many more videos on YouTube that can be listed for everyone.


Home (no date) The Smartphone Photographer. Available at: (Accessed: February 27, 2023).

Puet, B. (2023) Mobile photography tips and tricks, Lifewire. Lifewire. Available at: (Accessed: February 27, 2023).

ExpertPhotography (2023) The Ultimate Guide to smartphone photography (96 best tips), ExpertPhotography. Available at: (Accessed: February 27, 2023).

Purcell, C. (2019) The Ultimate Guide to Mobile Phone Photography, World Nomads. World Nomads. Available at: (Accessed: February 27, 2023).

The future IS BRIGHT: Technology trends in Mobile photography (no date) DPReview. Available at: (Accessed: February 27, 2023).

Mobile photographers- Research for Free Project

In this post I will want to focus on finding out more about what mobile photography is and I will search for a few photographers who use it, I will try to get as much knowledge as possible to be able to do my next project well.

“Moving it (the glass) closer or farther away from the background will completely change the look and feel of the shot. So keep moving, experiment and see what you come up with."- Sunny Sherestha

A mobile photographer is someone who uses their smartphone or tablet to capture and create photographic images. With the increasing advancements in smartphone camera technology, mobile photography has become a popular and accessible form of photography. Mobile photographers use various photography techniques, such as composition, lighting, exposure, and post-processing, to create compelling images. Mobile photography has become a legitimate art form, with many mobile photographers gaining recognition for their work. There are also many mobile photography communities and platforms, such as Instagram, that allow mobile photographers to share their work and connect with other photographers. To become a mobile photographer, one needs to have a basic understanding of photography concepts and techniques, such as framing, lighting, and composition. It's also important to learn how to use the camera app on your mobile device and explore different third-party camera apps that can provide more advanced features and settings. Additionally, post-processing is a critical aspect of mobile photography. Editing apps like Lightroom, Snapseed, and VSCO can help enhance the image and bring out the desired look and feel. Ultimately, the key to becoming a successful mobile photographer is to practice regularly and experiment with different techniques, apps, and settings. With patience, dedication, and creativity, anyone can become a skilled mobile photographer.

I would like to briefly introduce three mobile photographers.

Jess Angell by Sam Landers, October 14,2019

First, Jess Angell, Miss Underground, is best known for her stunning pictures of the London Underground. Early on, Jess studied photography in school, but it wasn’t until she got an iPhone and discovered Instagram that she fell in love with photography again. Primarily shooting with the latest iPhone, Jess doesn't classify herself as a traditional photographer, but more as someone with a keen eye who likes to capture details that others may not see – like finding new ways to look at escalators, stairs and tunnels of famous European transport systems.

Passage of the underground II, Jess Angell.

Jess's work celebrates the Underground's beautiful and varied geometry and architecture, as she hunts and waits to capture these normally crowded spaces empty of people. Fall in love with these subterranean spaces as their hidden angles and details are revealed. - Trope Publishing

Neal Kumar

Then I focused on Neal Kumar shoots for clients such as Marriott, Gucci, and the Mexico Board of Tourism in addition to his primary work as a dermatologist, but rigorously limits his Instagram feed to images taken on his iPhone. With his travel and urban photography, Neal pushes the boundaries of what technology can do, while celebrating and exploring its limitations, always striving to exceed what mobile images “should” look like. Neal Kumar showcases the talent and discipline of a photographer who has wholeheartedly embraced mobile photography as a tool of choice.

Urban Photography, Neal Kumar 

With his travel and urban photography, Neal pushes the boundaries of what the technology can do, while celebrating and exploring its limitations, always striving to exceed what mobile images "should" look like. Neal Kumar showcases the talent and discipline of a photographer who has wholeheartedly embraced mobile photography as a tool of choice. - Trope Publishing.

Cocu Chen Liu.

Cocu Liu is a mobile photographer and designer. . He is fascinated by urban landscapes who believes “the best camera is the one that’s with you.”Cocu uses mobile phones for everything – shooting, selecting, editing and sharing. As smartphone image capabilities continue to advance, he finds he no longer needs to use other devices in his workflow. He has received numerous awards for his photography, and collaborated with Apple on their "Shot on iPhone 7" global campaign.

Cocu Liu, Illinois, United States 1st Place/Seasons

 His images document his travels around the world, using different styles of photography to capture a scene. Compiling a mix of dramatic cityscapes, abstract views and minimalist black and white shots, Liu really brings attention to the power of mobile photography. Using mobile apps such as Lightroom and Photoshop, he achieves a "Koda-chrome type" color palette which is instantly recognizable throughout his work. Each photo is a masterful composition: a combination of shape, light, and shadow that leads the viewer’s eye where he wants it to go. The photos are, for lack of a more pretentious way of putting it, pleasant to look at. Sometimes he makes use of symmetry, other times he weights his compositions on one side or the other, but clearly he takes a Steve McCurry-esque approach to creating his images… and it’s working.


ExpertPhotography (2023) The Ultimate Guide to smartphone photography (96 best tips), ExpertPhotography. Available at: (Accessed: February 27, 2023).

(no date) Blocked IP address due to Suspicious Activity. Available at: (Accessed: February 27, 2023).

Wesson, K. (2019) How Neal Kumar takes stunning urban iphone photos, iPhone Photography School. Available at: (Accessed: February 27, 2023).

Landers, S. (2019) Photography is my meditation, Trope Publishing Co. Trope Publishing Co. Available at: (Accessed: February 27, 2023).

Rooke, H. (2021) Meet the photographers redefining camera phone photography, digitalcameraworld. Digital Camera World. Available at: (Accessed: February 27, 2023).

16 mobile photographers you want to know (no date) EyeEm. Available at: (Accessed: February 24, 2023).

Shrestha, S. (2022) Still life photography using a glass of water, PictureCorrect. Available at: (Accessed: February 24, 2023).

Blog, 500px (2015) The wondefully minimal iphone photography of Cocu Liu, 500px. Available at: (Accessed: February 27, 2023).

Free Project: Action Plan & Workflow.

I created a workflow for my free project: Through a Glass. This is my plan, which I will implement in the next two weeks. I will describe each of the stages in the next posts.

Here you will find the link:  Through a glass.

Tuesday 21 February 2023

Free Project - Generation Idea and Initial Research.

The next project I am working on is called `Free Project`. Our focus in class today was on coming up with a few ideas and selecting the one that will work best for us, based on the assumptions listed on Blackboard. After writing a book recently, I wondered what else I could come up with. I was interested in the podcast and decided to investigate further. Below is a podcast I watched recently on motorcycles, It is a lot longer than the project that we are doing, but you can learn some valuable tips from it. I love motorcycles and I dream of owning one. Podcasts are regular Internet broadcasts. Listening is a way of consuming content. Basically, it is a form of radio broadcasting or video that can be viewed anywhere, anytime. 

The second idea is photos. But this time I thought I'd focus on slightly different techniques. I've been looking at Flatlay Photography machines lately, they look and cost a lot, but you can take good Flat Iay photos without a machine. I love Vegan food so I might take a stroll through the restaurants to take some pictures.

Vegan photography is a genre of photography that focuses on plant-based food, vegan lifestyle, and ethical fashion. Vegan photographers use their skills to capture the beauty and diversity of plant-based foods and dishes as well as the ethical and sustainable fashion industry. They can also photograph animals in a way that promotes their welfare and inspires others to adopt a vegan lifestyle. In vegan photography, the goal is to create stunning and impact images that convey a message of compassion and sustainability. The images can be used in a variety of contexts such as social media, magazines, cookbooks, and advertising campaigns. Some vegan photographers may specialize in food photography, capturing the colors, textures, and flavors of plant-based foods. They can collaborate with chefs, food bloggers, and restaurant owners to create compelling images showcasing the delicious and nutritious aspects of vegan cuisine. Others can focus on ethical fashion by photographing sustainable and cruelty-free clothing, accessories, and beauty products. They can work with designers, retailers, and models to create images that promote the benefits of ethical fashion and inspire consumers to make more informed purchasing decisions. Overall, vegan photography is an effective way to promote a more compassionate and sustainable lifestyle, and it is becoming increasingly popular as more people embrace veganism and seek plant-based products and services.

I like every season but when, after winter comes spring, everything becomes colorful, no I won't take pictures, I just focus on mixing colors and I thought that nice pictures can be colorful drinks, but I will have to find someone to drink them.

The last thing on my mind is to take pictures using water and a glass, or a school dish, not necessarily transparent, can be colored, the buildings made in this way look really cool, and interesting, that is why I'm looking into it because I haven't made the final decision yet. We don't have much time for this project because I also liked the idea with sounds, but I won't mess with my head anymore, I'll stay with what is.


Vegan Food Photography (2018) I LOVE VEGAN. Available at: (Accessed: February 20, 2023).

Drinks photography (no date) Packshot Factory. Available at: (Accessed: February 20, 2023).

Askew, K. (2019) What is the future of Vegan Food? Culinary Comfort and honesty on health, William Reed Ltd. Available at: (Accessed: February 20, 2023).

Belenko, D. (2023) 8 creative flat lay photography ideas to try yourself, ExpertPhotography. Available at: (Accessed: February 20, 2023).

Askew, K. (2019) What is the future of Vegan Food? Culinary Comfort and honesty on health, William Reed Ltd. Available at: (Accessed: February 27, 2023).

Monday 20 February 2023

The book "Under safe wings" - Reflection.

In the book "Under Safe Wings" we follow the journey of a young girl named Femke and her grandfather, whose granddaughter has been his greatest treasure since birth. Despite their close relationship, Femke's life changes forever when her beloved grandfather suddenly dies. However, even after death, he still watches over her, becoming a spirit that can communicate with Femke from beyond the grave. As Femke struggles to come to terms with her loss, she finds solace in talking to her grandfather's ghost. Through their conversations, she learns more about the world beyond the living and the true nature of love and loss. With her grandfather's guidance, Femke begins to find her way forward, discovering strength and resilience she didn't know existed. "Under Safe Wings" is a poignant story about love, loss, and the unbreakable bond between families. The story of Femke and Grandpa reminds us of the strength of the bond, even in the face of death.

This is the first book I've written. I can honestly say that writing a book is not an easy task and requires dedication, commitment, and perseverance. It is a creative process that requires a lot of time, energy, and effort. Surely if I had more time it would have turned out better, now I know where and what mistakes I made. I know that you need to have a clear idea of the story you want to tell, create convincing characters, build a cohesive plot, and keep the reader's attention from beginning to end. Writing the book was a rewarding experience because it allowed me to express my thoughts and emotions and share ideas with others. It is also a powerful tool for personal development and self-discovery. Maybe someday I'll try to write another book, but now I'd like this one to inspire and encourage others to the fact that if you want something, maybe it's not worth giving up right away. You always get a second chance and learn from your mistakes. I invite you to read my book.

Finalising Chapbook & Adding to Website

Nobody said it would be easy because when adding the book I had a problem with viewing it, it turned out that I had to buy a PDF to share it on my website or blog.

Then I went to the project details tab to complete the missing things. I added the author, and book description, as well as I chose English and who the book is for, there was no multiple choice so I gave it to the children.

Go to recent tabs Privacy & Sharing I had to change the Select the level of availability for your book option from Invite only to Publicly available so that people who want to read my book have access to it. I chose the option to enable all pages.

The book is ready, or rather a link to it, I put on my website. Including a stone cover and introduction and a small envelope after which you will be able to go to the page to read the book.

I invite you to read - click me.

Creating my Book on Blurb

In this post, I would like to introduce you to the process of creating a book. I wrote the whole book first in Word. Before I decided which program I would publish the book on, I read it again and asked a friend to read it too. I chose the Blurb program, for someone who is dealing with writing a book for the first time, the program is not easy, it was hard but I managed. To start creating a book, I first had to download the program to my computer and register myself because I had never used it before.

Then in the upper left corner, I selected the create option and selected Trade Book and the book size 15x23.

I choose paper: Standard Color 70# (White uncoated) and Cover:  Hardcover, Dust Jacket.

Then I entered the project title and pressed start the project.

My book is called "Under Safe Wings", so I decided to focus on the cover first and find a photo that would match the content of the book. All the photos I used are described on the last page of my book, and the cover photos are on the second page. I also added the title of the book using italic bold Center Schoolbook size 50, and below that, I put my name in italic bold Ariel font size 25. I put a free barcode on the back of the book.

Now I wanted to put my book into the program, but first I used a free site to switch from Word files to RFT files. This is what Blurb requires.

Now I'm focusing on adding photos to my book, I started with mine on the second page.

On the last page, I described all the photos from my book that I added.

Once again, I carefully checked if everything fits me when it came to the final stage, in which it turned out that I had to add one page to be able to upload.

I invite you to the next post to see the final results.

Monday 6 February 2023

How to write the poem ?

For centuries, poems have driven humanity to action, and have been a source of comfort in a difficult time or a carrier of universal values. It is difficult to overestimate the contribution to human life that poetry has had over the years. 

Below is a video that will be useful to any beginner.

I also recommend the site that interested me very much. Everything is explained very simply, pictures and video are included. Click here and you'll see for yourself.

I think that this video as well as the pages I have posted will help you as well as me. I realised first of all that the best way to start writing is to write from the heart, or about something that has happened to you, an unhappy love, the loss of a loved one, or even a successfully passed exam, on any subject you can write a poem, you need inspiration because it is difficult to convince someone to do something if you have not experienced it yourself.  I also learned that there are rhymed poems and white poems are those without rhyme. Good rhyming tests should consist of verses in which the number of syllables is the same or repeated when reading imagine that the accented syllables form a kind of melody, the rhyme should be compact, interesting, and funny, One of the important things is to think about the audience, as I do in my poems I combine with the book, I will try to present them in a simple way because my main goal is children, so simple language is best for them. As a child, I read a lot of poems by Polish writers, but this time I decided to delve deeper and recently came across interesting poems by foreign writers. I also have my own personal reasons why I read these, but I think it was worthwhile to see how other writers create. It will be difficult to match them, but talent is not everything, hard work is also important. I've already written a few poems, waiting for feedback. Still learning all the time.

"Poetry is for you a land of respite after the hardships of everyday life, a land where you can forget about many everyday matters for a moment. In this way, stanzas with a naive, somewhat childish overtone are created, however, as if beyond a certain time and beyond the author's personality. Poets "by birth" do the exact opposite. For them, poetry is not recreation and an escape from life, but life itself. Therefore, they try to express in it what the Lord puts aside: experiences, anxieties, complaints, and questions that a mature person asks himself. Ready-made verse forms are not always enough for this, and their aphorisms are rarely so simple." - Wieslawa Szymborska 

Chapbook: Timed Writing Exercise: Poems


It was a wonderful sunny day.
It was so warm.
I love this time.
Is it Summer?

Why are you asking me?
I don`t see anything.
I can`t feel anything.
I have no idea.

Help, please!
Help me be happy!
I want to feel, I want to see.
I want to be with you at this time.

I`m not asking for much.
I will pay with my love.
I will pay with my goodness.
What do you want more?


Love is great.
Love knows no limits.
Love blinds.
Love, where are you?

Love surprises me.
Love be forever.
Love don`t leave me.
Love, where are you?

What should I do? Tell me.
Why don`t you want to be close?
What did I do?
Love, where are you?

I promise not to leave you.
Let me know what to do.
Let me know if you come back.
Love, where are you?


Look ahead.
Don’t think what it was.
I`m not saying something happened.
Don`t poison your life.

What is important is what is now.
What is now will not go away.
What is now will surprise.
What is now will stay.

What will happen, we`ll see.
It is not known what will happen.
What will happen is a dream.
What will happen is desire.

Live what is now.
Live as you like.
Live so that no one says:
That you never did anything.

Kim Fupz Aakeson - research

Before I set about writing my chapbook, I took some time to look for writers who had written similar stories to mine. One of them is Kim Fupz Aakeson is known for his quirky, honest, serious, and wonderful picture books and biting young adult fiction. He has written more than 80 books for children and adults and won numerous awards. He is also known for being a prolific screenwriter.

Kim Fupz Aakeson describes familiar emotions such as doubt, jealousy, and inferiority with an elegant richness of nuance. His stories balance the famous line between comedy and tragedy in descriptions of people who never really get what they want and communication that never really goes according to plan.

One of the books Kim co-wrote with Eva Erikkson is 'Esben and Grandfather's Ghost', the original name being 'So blev farfar et spogelse' from Swedish. The book is full of contrasts and contradictions. The initial drama turns into an adventurous story and ends happily. A child's perspective and colloquial language describing the subject of death do not match, as it turns out, only formally. People's different beliefs about death and its aftermath are at two opposite poles of the concept of the world, life, and death. The book is suitable for both children and adults.
We meet one of the main characters, Esben, at an extremely difficult time in his life when his grandfather dies. The young boy's feelings and thoughts and the whole course of events are presented from a child's perspective. The narrative is conducted in the third person singular. The book is written to show how to come to terms with the death of a loved one. I think it helped me understand how to describe the emotions and reactions of my characters because in my book I also focus on death and the loss of a loved one. The book about the boy and the grandfather is written mainly in the form of dialogue, while I plan to focus more on emotions and events. Not only this one but also his other books speak volumes about problem-solving in children and young people. All the books he has written for children and young people make him one of the most productive and well-known writers in Denmark. Kim is often used in child therapy, which makes it so important. It helps to understand and get used to the idea that the essence of the problem he describes in his books is part of the life that awaits us. I would like my novel to have such a strong message as Kim's and to help children and others. 


Analyze poems "Death Is Nothing At All"

 In today's class, we did some text analysis and I chose the poem "Death Is Nothing At All" written By Henry Scott-Holland.

Death is nothing at all.

It does not count.
I have only slipped away into the next room.
Nothing has happened.

Everything remains exactly as it was.
I am I, and you are you,
and the old life that we lived so fondly together is untouched, unchanged.
Whatever we were to each other, we are still.

Call me by the old familiar name.
Speak of me in the easy way which you always used.
Put no difference into your tone.
Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.

Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes that we enjoyed together.
Play, smile, think of me, pray for me.
Let my name be ever the household word that it always was.
Let it be spoken without an effort, without the ghost of a shadow upon it.

Life means all that it ever meant.
It is the same as it ever was.
There is absolute and unbroken continuity.
What is this death but a negligible accident?

Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight?
I am but waiting for you, for an interval,
somewhere very near,
just round the corner.

All is well.
Nothing is hurt; nothing is lost.
One brief moment and all will be as it was before.
How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again!

"Death Is Nothing At All" is a poem that offers a unique perspective on death. Written by Henry Scott Holland, an Anglican priest, it was originally delivered as a sermon in St. Paul's Church, London, in 1910. The poem has since become a popular funeral reading, often chosen to provide comfort and reassurance to those who are grieving. The poem opens with the lines, "Death is nothing at all. / It does not count." The speaker is immediately dismissing the idea of death as something significant or noteworthy. This is a bold claim, as death is typically seen as a major event in a person's life. By asserting that death "does not count," the speaker is suggesting that it is not the end of everything, but rather a transition to a different state of being. The speaker goes on to describe death as a kind of "passing away" or "moving into the next room." This metaphor suggests that death is not something to be feared, but rather a natural progression from one stage of life to another. The idea of moving into another room also implies that there is something waiting on the other side, something new and possibly even exciting. The poem continues with the lines, "Everything remains exactly as it was. / I am I, and you are you." Here, the speaker is emphasizing that even though someone has died, life goes on. The world and the people in it continue to exist, and the person who has passed away remains themselves. This is a comforting thought, as it suggests that the person who has died has not been completely erased from the world, but rather continues to exist in some way. The poem concludes with the lines, "Call me by the old familiar name. / Speak of me in the easy way which you always used. / Put no difference into your tone. / Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow." These lines are a reminder to the living that the person who has died would not want them to be sad or mournful forever. The speaker is urging the living to remember the person who has passed away in a positive and loving way and to continue to live their lives as normally as possible. In summary, "Death Is Nothing At All" is a poem that provides a unique perspective on death. The speaker dismisses the idea of death as something significant and emphasizes that life goes on even after someone


Scott-Holland, H. (no date) Home, Family Friend Poems. Available at: (Accessed: February 18, 2023).

Energy, D. (2022) Death is nothing at all (a poem by Henry Scott-Holland), Dailytime Poems. Available at: (Accessed: February 18, 2023).

Sunday 5 February 2023

Milanote - mind map `Under safe wings`

In Milanote, I decided to create a mind map of what I would like to do, what I would like to look at, and what I would like to do to get my book right. 

And here you can see my plan :) 

The Chapbook: Planning

 In today's class, we will concentrate on how to plan as a chapbook. On the bottom, I copy the question from the blackboard and I will answer them, so everyone can see what actually is my plan and how I will make it.  


● What is your final idea? Please explain in two sentences the theme and the form your writing will take.

My final idea I will write a story about Femke and some poems connecting to my story. The story will be about a girl born in the town of Holland. Her grandfather was a photographer, parents have a photography gallery. Grandfather dies and comes back as a ghost.   

● Considering the form, how do you intend to lay out your book pages?

I will divide my book into two stages, the first stage will be the story: text with pictures, which will be spread over 4 chapters, and in the second stage, I will add 6 poems which will also be interspersed with pictures.

● How many pages do you expect there will be?

The whole story book with poems and pictures will be 40 pages.

● Are you going to use images? Are these your own images (illustrations/photographs) or copyright free images that you will source?

I don't yet know if I'll find images in my gallery that will fit my book, so I'll probably download copyright-free images.

● What is the plan for your time and how much you will need to spend on this?

Remember writing is something that you will need time and concentration without disturbance - you must make sure that you plan time to do this.

The time allotted for this is 16h. If this is not enough, I can devote every free moment so that the book satisfies me and I can be satisfied with it. 

● What do you imagine the final book will look like?
I was thinking of three programs: Canva , Flipbook, or Blurb, I have only used Canva before so maybe this time I will choose another program. I think my book will be in a hardcover, rather simple standard. 

● Have you considered the cover page/contents page/back cover with blurb?

I don't know yet which software I will choose, but I have already selected what I would like to put on the cover as well as the table of contents.

● Drafting and redrafting will need to be done? Who would you get to proofread your work?

First, I write everything in word in this program is installed grammar improvement, so I think it will help me a lot. Then I will ask someone from the class or from my friends to read and check.

I would like the target market to be children, but as the book will have more text than pictures, I will target parents and grandparents so that they can communicate to the little ones what I want to say. 

Friday 3 February 2023

Chapbook: Timed Writing Exercise : Under safe wings : Chapter 1.

 Chapter 1: The birth of an angel.

It was a beautiful sunny day, April 21, when a little black-haired baby was born in Arnhem Hospital.

- Is it a girl or a boy?  - asked the impatient family waiting outside the delivery room. 

- Doctor, it`s not important. Please tell me is it healthy? How is my wife? - Stefan asked.

- Mr. Stefan, come inside, the girls are safe and sound, you can say hello to them - replied the doctor.

- A girl !!! - everyone cried with joy. 

Two days nearly passed and the girl still had no name. Hanna and Stefan very much wanted the parents to help them to choose the name. The girl was the only long-awaited granddaughter, so they wanted to make her name special. Just as special was the little one. The time has come for Hanna and the girl to live hospital. Stefan picks up his two loves from the hospital. Hanna`s parents were already waiting impatiently at home. They left all their responsibilities to be with them, helping and supporting them as much as possible. Hanna`s dad is a photographer so it was no problem for him to take a longer vacation, while mum worked part-time in a library, it was more of a hobby for her. Since Hanna`s brother was born, which was 25 years ago, Tess did not work, She always did what she liked and take care of the house. When Hanna`s brother went to study in Switzerland, their parents moved to a smaller house in Giethoorn village in the province of Overijssel. They left the house in which they lived before for their first grandson or granddaughter. Hanna, Stefan, and the baby entered the house. From the very, they were greeted by Tess - Hanna`s mother, and Tim - Hanna`s father who never moved without his camera and took pictures from the very entrance. 

Free Project - Reflection

 Taking photos with a mobile phone has become an integral part of our daily lives. With the convenience of always having a camera at our fin...