Saturday 3 December 2022

Looking on Feedback and Updating Website.

I've carefully gone over the comments left on my website. Thank you for your kind words. I made the choice to correct one of them because I thought it was crucial. I made a mistake during UX testing, and everyone had multiple answers. I'm grateful to the individual who thought of this because that wasn't the point of it.

 Everything has now been fixed. I just tested it out, and it runs without a hitch.

I go on my Google Form - UX Testing & Feedback, which is saved on my account. Next to the first question, there is an option to provide multiple answers or just one. I choose one. I saved that on my form. After I check if everything was working correctly and there wasn't any issue so I left the form just like that. 
Like I write in my previous post, I feel good about all the feedback which I get. It makes me happy to know that a lot of people like my page. Obviously, I am open to negative comments as that can improve not only my website but also my future posts on the blog. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for that comment, I will fix it.


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