Tuesday 6 December 2022

Reflection on Digital Arts/Your website and project.

  As we move through life, we all have challenging periods. Sometimes it seems as though life is hitting us on the side of the head with a huge board to make things even more challenging. It makes sense that some of us don't feel as joyful or carefree and end up feeling burdened by life's responsibilities. Nevertheless, some of us can maintain our youthful enthusiasm, naivety, and carefree attitudes. I think that by our very nature, all of us are curious, carefree, and optimistic people. The degree to which each of us is varies depending on the person. But we can re-establish a connection with this quality. Even if our adult curiosity, carefreeness, and optimism may alter slightly from those qualities we had as children, they are still present and just waiting to be discovered.

Giving yourself permission is the first step you can take to reclaim your youthful outlook on life. When they observe something new, chase after a butterfly, or imagine entire castles and villages while playing, most kids don't question or limit their fascination. 

 I hope that my session will bring back childhood memories for each of you as it did for me when I was preparing them. I was feeling very happy when I was in the middle of the session. Kids put a massive smile on my face thanks to their true nature and natural happiness. I think that even if making photographs of children could be difficult it is still pure joy, they have raw emotions as they don't hide their real emotions. Every one of us should do something which can bring childhood memories and happiness which is coming with that. 

These past two months have presented me with a tremendous challenge. I've never before built a blog or website. I'm pleased with what I've accomplished and eager for the upcoming difficulties. Additionally, I want to thank everyone who supported me and helped make my success possible. To avoid leaving anyone out, I won't specify names; everyone is aware of this.

1 comment:

  1. Great that you posted this Magda, please include the link to your website and your final website screenshots with your mobile view screenshots. What was your favourite part of the project? What would you do differently next time?


Free Project - Reflection

 Taking photos with a mobile phone has become an integral part of our daily lives. With the convenience of always having a camera at our fin...