Tuesday 6 December 2022

Reflection on Digital Arts/Your website and project.

  As we move through life, we all have challenging periods. Sometimes it seems as though life is hitting us on the side of the head with a huge board to make things even more challenging. It makes sense that some of us don't feel as joyful or carefree and end up feeling burdened by life's responsibilities. Nevertheless, some of us can maintain our youthful enthusiasm, naivety, and carefree attitudes. I think that by our very nature, all of us are curious, carefree, and optimistic people. The degree to which each of us is varies depending on the person. But we can re-establish a connection with this quality. Even if our adult curiosity, carefreeness, and optimism may alter slightly from those qualities we had as children, they are still present and just waiting to be discovered.

Giving yourself permission is the first step you can take to reclaim your youthful outlook on life. When they observe something new, chase after a butterfly, or imagine entire castles and villages while playing, most kids don't question or limit their fascination. 

 I hope that my session will bring back childhood memories for each of you as it did for me when I was preparing them. I was feeling very happy when I was in the middle of the session. Kids put a massive smile on my face thanks to their true nature and natural happiness. I think that even if making photographs of children could be difficult it is still pure joy, they have raw emotions as they don't hide their real emotions. Every one of us should do something which can bring childhood memories and happiness which is coming with that. 

These past two months have presented me with a tremendous challenge. I've never before built a blog or website. I'm pleased with what I've accomplished and eager for the upcoming difficulties. Additionally, I want to thank everyone who supported me and helped make my success possible. To avoid leaving anyone out, I won't specify names; everyone is aware of this.

Monday 5 December 2022

Final Portfolio completion - adding to a gallery on website.

There are only a few tweaks left, which means the end of my project journey. I made the decision to add some more details to my gallery. I updated the text.

I took a huge amount of images throughout each session and then I started choosing photos from folders.

I picked 15 images that I thought would be crucial to my project.

Before I could update the photographs I placed at the start of the page design, I had to upload the original project images from my hard drive to the site file. Edit up my gallery. When you click add to the gallery in the lower right corner, images will be changed. Next to each image, I added the children's names. After hitting "done," the pictures were then added to my page. When you click on the image, the field screen displays all the images.
The photos were then added to the folder with the name of my project after I opened my website. After adding, I made sure everything was functioning as I had intended before publishing.

Gallery ready to watch. Enjoyed 😁

In the end, I made the decision to see if my website needed any changes or additions. I had the thought to add one more image to the "About Me" section. The photo was taken by my classmate Magdalene Ferenc. Thank you

Time to go on to my final post, which will be a reflection, from my perspective. 😋


My Blog Buddy comments.

As our time to submit our work is almost up, I concentrated on adding more comments to My Blog Buddy in this post. So I made some additions that might boost his final grade. Still awaiting his response. It would be interesting to see another person's viewpoint. A screenshot of my comments is shown below.


Saturday 3 December 2022

Looking on Feedback and Updating Website.

I've carefully gone over the comments left on my website. Thank you for your kind words. I made the choice to correct one of them because I thought it was crucial. I made a mistake during UX testing, and everyone had multiple answers. I'm grateful to the individual who thought of this because that wasn't the point of it.

 Everything has now been fixed. I just tested it out, and it runs without a hitch.

I go on my Google Form - UX Testing & Feedback, which is saved on my account. Next to the first question, there is an option to provide multiple answers or just one. I choose one. I saved that on my form. After I check if everything was working correctly and there wasn't any issue so I left the form just like that. 
Like I write in my previous post, I feel good about all the feedback which I get. It makes me happy to know that a lot of people like my page. Obviously, I am open to negative comments as that can improve not only my website but also my future posts on the blog. 

Target Market: Joys of Childhood.

Do you recall how, as a child, you used to become completely immersed and engrossed in something? Perhaps you were constructing a model vehicle or airplane at the time. or while you were playing dress-up, reading a book, or playing baseball with your friends. Whatever it was, most of the time when we were young, we were present-oriented. We didn't appear to spend a lot of time contemplating the past or the future until a significant holiday or birthday was approaching. We merely focused on what was available and always seemed to find time for activities we enjoyed (even if it occasionally meant skipping schooling!)

Children are born with a sense of the importance of the current moment. And they are aware that virtually anything may occur at that time. They gaze about in awe of what is going on in front of them and all around them. When was the last time you stared in awe at anything while being fully present at the moment? We occasionally have such a moment when we stop to appreciate the beauty of the sunset or walk through our flower gardens while noticing the growth that has transpired over the preceding few days. Maybe it was the first time you saw your child. Adults typically need something extraordinary or magnificent to stop, connect with the present, and experience wonder and awe.

I created my project including all people in mind, young and old. so that everyone can take a minute to reflect on their youth. Recall those memories. Return to the past after a short pause from the present. I spent a lot of time reflecting on my childhood while working on this project by myself. Even though not everyone had a joyful childhood, I wanted to portray one. You can see that these kids have such from my images. I hope you enjoy the project.



Creation a Website: Social Media Link/Mobile View

In this post, I emphasize integrating social network icons and analyzing how my website functions on mobile devices to make any necessary improvements. I choose to include a few social media connections.

I choose to include a few social media connections. On my stool, I believed it would look excellent. There will be a quicker way for people to get in touch with me. To add social media icons I went to the Add Elements tab in the upper left corner, then in the tab below I selected the social media bar and selected 4 icons: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and blog. On Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, I made a new account.

Then I began to inspect the website's mobile version to make sure everything was functioning properly.

I looked at my phone's home page. The images automatically rotated, making everything visible. Once the site is complete, I'll check it again.

Then I examined my website's navigation, and everything was in order. So I made the decision to turn the page.

Since the final photographs hadn't been added yet, I added a replacement earlier so I could see how the photo gallery would function. I'll check everything on my phone once I've added the last few photographs to see if it makes sense.

The contact page was the last item I wanted to double-check to make sure it was functional in case someone needed to get in touch with me.

 I noted that the website is still under construction. The mobile version of the website now seems to function flawlessly in my opinion, but I will test it out before giving up the site.

UX Testing My Website

Experience design testing (UX testing) is an important step in the process of creating an interface design since it offers insight into how the end-user interacts with the interface, demonstrating if they found it fun and helpful and gauging their level of satisfaction. I created a feedback form on Google Forms to UX test my website, and I'd like to add it to my navigation bar.

I launched Google Forms, added a title, and then created my first question. I then selected multiple-choice questions from the left-hand drop-down menu. The options I desired were subsequently added. I then used the duplicate icon at the bottom of the page to duplicate the original question, and I updated it for my second question. I kept going in this manner until I had answered every multiple-choice question, at which point I added two more that required written responses.

I then altered the form by selecting the paintbrush in the upper right corner, uploading my own image, and changing the color scheme.

The form is now available for usage on my Wix website. I inserted the link into the navigation bar because I wanted a form that would be on the page so that all people could easily discover it and test my website while on the website itself.

Here is my feedback: 

Most people think that my site has a great design, but some people think it's good, maybe I'll find something in the comments that I can improve.

The majority did deem the navigation to be outstanding, so I was happy with this outcome because I believed the navigation to be effective.

I can tell from this feedback that although most people thought my homepage was "excellence," just a small percentage thought it was good. 

Most people believe my social media is really effective. For you to see, I'll add a couple more posts on them.

First of all, I want to thank everyone for adding my page to their Feedbooks. I'm overjoyed that everyone finds it to be so appealing. I've had only positive feedback, which makes me very satisfied. One of the opinions that allow for multiple responses will undoubtedly improve, and as for the second opinion, we appreciate your insight and suggestions for improvement.

Once I have considered the best method to improve based on these comments, I will review the design of my website and present the modifications.

Free Project - Reflection

 Taking photos with a mobile phone has become an integral part of our daily lives. With the convenience of always having a camera at our fin...