Sunday 12 March 2023

Free Project - Reflection

 Taking photos with a mobile phone has become an integral part of our daily lives. With the convenience of always having a camera at our fingertips, we are able to capture and document important moments and memories, and share them with friends and family instantly. However, the ease of taking photos with a mobile phone has also led to some drawbacks. Many people become obsessed with taking the perfect photo and may miss out on enjoying the actual moment. Additionally, the constant need to document everything may lead to a lack of presence and mindfulness in the present moment. Taking photos with a mobile phone can also have an impact on our self-image and self-esteem. Social media platforms are inundated with carefully curated images that can create unrealistic expectations and comparisons. It is important to remember that these images are often highly edited and do not necessarily reflect reality. Overall, taking photos with a mobile phone can be a wonderful way to capture and preserve memories. However, it is important to be mindful of our relationship with technology and to strike a healthy balance between capturing moments and living in the present moment.

Taking photos through glass can create interesting and unique visuals that can add a different dimension to your photography. Whether it's shooting through a window, a mirror, or even an aquarium, the glass can create a natural frame or add a layer of distortion that can make your photos stand out. One thing to keep in mind when taking photos through glass is to be aware of any reflections or glare that may interfere with your shot. You can minimize this by shooting at an angle, using a polarizing filter, or using a lens hood. Experimenting with different types of glass can also yield different results. For example, shooting through a textured or frosted glass can add an interesting texture to your photo, while shooting through a clear glass can create a sharp, crisp image. Overall, taking photos through glass can be a fun and creative way to capture unique images, so don't be afraid to experiment and try new things!

Website Quality Control.

 Today I checked that my site is working fine before submitting it for review. I added the last project and I wanted to make sure everything works as it should.

I made sure that my site is easy to navigate first. Users should be able to find what they are looking for quickly and easily. Use clear and concise menu options and organize your content in a logical way.

I also checked if the layout is pleasing to the eyes, if there is no clutter on my website, I have a lot of white space where everything is clearly visible.

I made sure that my website is optimized for mobile devices. A large percentage of users connect to the Internet via smartphones or tablets, so my website should be easy to use on any device.

I checked each of my projects to make sure everything was working as it should. I think it's safe to submit my site for review.

Target market - phone photography.

The target market for phone photography includes individuals who want to take high-quality photographs with their smartphones. Anyone who wants to capture and share high-quality images quickly and easily can use this service, including amateur photographers, social media influencers, and content creators. With smartphone cameras continuously improving and social media platforms becoming more user-friendly, the popularity of phone photography has skyrocketed in recent years. Because smartphones are convenient and accessible, many people are now using them as their primary cameras. A number of companies cater to the smartphone photography market, including smartphone manufacturers, camera accessory manufacturers, and photo editing software developers. They develop products and software that improve smartphone cameras, enabling individuals to capture high-quality photos wherever they are.

Finalise Free Project - adding to the website.

Graffiti is street art that involves painting, drawing or printing on walls, masonry, buildings and other public surfaces. Through-the-glass graffiti photos can feature a variety of themes and styles, from colorful, abstract patterns to realistic portraits and street scenes. The view through the glass can give an interesting effect, especially when the graffiti is on a large area or on a building. You can then see the entire composition in one frame, and also see how the graffiti fits into the context of the place where it is located. Graffiti often reflects social and political issues as well as the culture and lifestyle of young people. Therefore, graffiti is often interpreted as a form of expression and protest. Photographs of graffiti through a glass can be an interesting form of visual art and encourage reflection on diversity and creativity in art. I've always liked graffiti. Although I can't paint myself, in my Free project I wanted to focus on taking pictures with my phone of graffiti, using a glass to show important fragments that can be seen through the glass, but also what is happening around. Below is the process of adding to the page. First, I transferred the photos from my phone to my computer. I chose only a few photos that seemed to me the most interesting and placed them in a folder so that they could be easily found.

I went to Photoshop so I chose the A3 format and changed the color to a black background. Then I'll have to use vertical for some photos and horizontal for others.

From the photo I chose, I started uploading each one, checking the quality and adding descriptions to the photos.

When I had the photos ready, I moved to my website and created a new page where I will place my gallery. I decided that this time I will create an album. First I went to the dashboard and there in the My album tab I entered and chose the photos I want and created an album that I publish on my website. 

Then I moved it to the gallery subpage, added a title, introduction and a button to return to the main gallery page at the top.

I added a button on the main Gallery Page.

The gallery is now available and you can see it here.

Monday 6 March 2023

Website Quality Check and Enhancement Features

I took care of the quality check function of my website today. If someone does not know what SEO is, it will be useful to anyone who wants to run their website professionally.

What Is SEO?

SEO stands for search engine optimization, which is a set of practices designed to improve the appearance and positioning of web pages in organic search results. Because organic search is the most prominent way for people to discover and access online content, a good SEO strategy is essential for improving the quality and quantity of traffic to your website.

To check how it all works from the table on the left, I went to Marketing & SEO and chose SEO here you can check your site performance on Google. It turned out that I can't see anything because I don't have updated information.

 So I went in to setup my want list. I reviewed and corrected, added a few things, because we did it in class, I didn't have much time so I did the most important ones and moved on to the next point of improving a little bit of my site.

I go to the app market home to see if I can add something to my site, there are many interesting things that will allow me to improve. I thought it would be nice to know how many people visited my stone so I went to Analyze Traffic and I chose one of the app called Web-stat downloaded and added in the upper right corner for now I left it public, but I'm wondering if I shouldn't hide it so that only I can see statistics.

Then I selected the Right Click Protect app, downloaded it again, changed it to my name and placed it in the lower right corner.

At the moment I thought that this is enough, I improved my website a bit, but there are many interesting things that I will definitely add in the future. I'm going back to my project to add to the site soon.


What is seo? learn search optimization best practices (no date) Moz. Available at: (Accessed: March 6, 2023).

Finalising Galleries & Buttons on Website Portfolio

 I focused today on checking and improving some things on my website. I focused on three projects that I have already added to my website. I have one more project left which I will add at the end of the week and then I will review everything again.

The first project - the CV that I will add to the main page under the name of Resume is easy to find, it is in the navigation bar, I was thinking of moving it to the rest of my projects so that evaluators have everything in one place. When I checked if it worked, it turned out that my was called Resume copy, so I corrected it right away, now it is called Resume Magdalena Surowiecka.

Then I moved on to my second project The Cityscape. We check if everything works fine. I went to the Add Elements tab, then in the Button I chose one of the icons and placed it under the introduction to return to the main page after clicking.

I made my book Under Safe Wing in the Blurb program, after its publication I put a link in a small envelope and an open button to take the viewer to my book when touched. I'm checking to see if the sites are working. I've added a book description and book cover for the viewer to see before they start reading.

As in the previous project, I placed a button Back to the gallery page.

Now I'm working on the last project, which are photos, after adding it, I'll go through each project one more time to make sure everything works before the final day,

Monday 27 February 2023

Technical of mobile photography - research.

Mobile photography has become incredibly popular with the rise of smartphones that feature high-quality cameras. Here are some techniques to improve your mobile photography:

  • Composition: Composition is one of the most critical elements of photography. Consider using the rule of thirds to create more dynamic and interesting photos.
  • Lighting: Lighting is crucial to creating beautiful photos. Try to avoid harsh direct light and use natural light whenever possible.
  • Focus: Ensure that your subject is in focus by tapping on the screen where you want the focus to be. This can also help to adjust the exposure levels.
  • Exposure: Adjust the exposure levels manually by tapping on the screen to focus on a specific point and then sliding your finger up or down to adjust the brightness.
  • Editing: There are many photo editing apps available that can help you enhance your photos. Experiment with filters, cropping, and color adjustments to create unique and beautiful images.
  • Use of accessories: Consider using external accessories such as tripods, lenses, and stabilizers to help you create even better images.
  • Try different perspectives: Try shooting from different angles and perspectives to create unique and interesting compositions.
  • Experiment with different modes: Many smartphones now come with a variety of shooting modes such as panorama, HDR, and portrait mode. Experiment with these modes to see what works best for your subject and style.

By applying these techniques, you can create stunning photos with your mobile device. Remember that practice makes perfect, so keep experimenting and trying new things to improve your skills.

At the bottom I will present you a video, which will tell you that you can have an additional lens for the camera and for the phone, they will tell you what lenses they are and how to use them. This is just one of the videos but if you have time Suriu has many more videos on YouTube that can be listed for everyone.


Home (no date) The Smartphone Photographer. Available at: (Accessed: February 27, 2023).

Puet, B. (2023) Mobile photography tips and tricks, Lifewire. Lifewire. Available at: (Accessed: February 27, 2023).

ExpertPhotography (2023) The Ultimate Guide to smartphone photography (96 best tips), ExpertPhotography. Available at: (Accessed: February 27, 2023).

Purcell, C. (2019) The Ultimate Guide to Mobile Phone Photography, World Nomads. World Nomads. Available at: (Accessed: February 27, 2023).

The future IS BRIGHT: Technology trends in Mobile photography (no date) DPReview. Available at: (Accessed: February 27, 2023).

Free Project - Reflection

 Taking photos with a mobile phone has become an integral part of our daily lives. With the convenience of always having a camera at our fin...